Kiviõli Seikluskeskus – Eesti pikim trosslaskumine (600 m) Mäepealse tee 1, Kiviõli, 43125 Ida-Viru maakond

Kiviõli Seikluskeskus – Eesti pikim trosslaskumine (600 m)

16 Arvustused

Kiviõli Seikluskeskus – Eesti pikim trosslaskumine (600 m) Mäepealse tee 1, Kiviõli, 43125 Ida-Viru maakond

Ettevõtte kohta

Ida-Virumaa on Seiklusmaa - Eesti kõige ägedamad seiklused | Ida-Virumaa on Seiklusmaa! Ida-Virumaa on paik kus on Eesti kõige ägedamad seiklused: maa all, mäe otsas, vee peal, piiripeal jne..


Helista meile
Mäepealse tee 1, Kiviõli, 43125 Ida-Viru maakond



  • Kohapeal ostmine

Soovitatud Arvustused

Kuldar K
Kiviõli Seikluskeskus – Eesti pikim trosslaskumine (600 m)
Probably the best slope in Estonia
Mar Canet
Kiviõli Seikluskeskus – Eesti pikim trosslaskumine (600 m)
They rent bad sky material and have bad customer service at this rental place. The personal took out the matress in the floor in front were material is return and they have polish cement. Basically i fall badly to the floor because their stupidity of removing that matress because it was wet. The matress it is safety not aesthetics. one of the girls even was laughing that a client fall on the floor. i hit my elbow to floor and now it is hurting me. Beside my insident, the material they rent it is low quality and broken. They have to replace two times 46 size sky boots because the closing mecanims were always one broken. The personal was trying to convice to take broken but insisted to get in good quality. Also we had to come back because me daughter sky moved bigger the fixation and was impossible to get fasten. it costed 90 euros for rent 3 equipment for four hours. I will not come back.
Сергей Акушевич
Kiviõli Seikluskeskus – Eesti pikim trosslaskumine (600 m)
2 атракциона- платные

Lisa Arvustus


Mäepealse tee 1, Kiviõli, 43125 Ida-Viru maakond
Kiviõli Seikluskeskus – Eesti pikim trosslaskumine (600 m)