Restoran Maikrahv Raekoja plats 8, 10146 Tallinn

Restoran Maikrahv

415 Arvustused

Restoran Maikrahv Raekoja plats 8, 10146 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Elamusõhtusöögid ja teised põnevad sündmused Tallinnas – Maikrahv - Maikrahv | Tule ja saa osa elamusõhtusöögist või kontserdist. Linna parim meelelahutus ja sündmused Tallinnas, restoranis Maikrahv. Ruumide rent, sünnipäevad, firmapeod.


Helista meile
Raekoja plats 8, 10146 Tallinn



  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Krediitkaardid
  • Deebetkaardid
  • Sobib lastele
  • Tualett
  • Väliterrass
  • Kohapeal söömine
  • Alkohol
  • Kange alkohol
  • Kohv
  • Kokteilid
  • Süüa saab ka hilisõhtul
  • Taimetoiduvalik
  • Vein
  • Õlu
  • Lõunasöök
  • Õhtusöök
  • Toitlustus
  • Magustoit
  • Istekohad
  • Hubane
  • Lihtne
  • Sobib gruppidele
  • Võtab vastu reserveeringuid
  • Lastemenüü
  • Lastetoolid
  • Head kokteilid
  • Kohapeal on baar
  • Hommikusöök

Soovitatud Arvustused

Luis Agustin Bernal
Restoran Maikrahv
Attention provided by a blonde waitress was totally unacceptable! I asked for more bread and she told me there was bread over there, pointing at an empty basket. She brought us a piece of cake for dessert, and when I asked her what was it made of she just said in a rude way: “it is a cake”. I will definitely not recommend this restaurant to anyone!!
Benedito Fonseca Jr
Restoran Maikrahv
Ordered the pork hock, the cream of mushroom, and the burger. All were very good. The pork was SPECTACULAR! All of us tried it and we all agreed that it was the best pork we've ever had! PS: the dark and the light Estonian beers were also very good.
Paulina Gindin
Restoran Maikrahv
So. When we sat down to eat, we decided that we just want some ice cream (considering the absurdly high prices). On the menu it says, and I cite, “a separate ice cream ball”. First, we had to wait for about forty minutes until someone took our order. When somebody finally came, we ordered a separate ice cream ball. For 3,50. Ten minutes later we got three bowls with three balls of ice cream. Being confused, we asked the waitress (who was not friendly at that) whether she had brought us the right thing. After a very confusing conversation, her English wasn’t the best, she told as, that the “separate” ice cream ball was actually an “additional” one. Which was not clearly communicated in the menu at all. (Even in Russian the word used meant separate and NOT additional.) After saying that she couldn’t do anything for us, she left, and we were forced to pay the ridiculous price of 9 € for three balls of ice cream, which didn’t even taste that good. The experience was disappointing, to say the least.
Restoran Maikrahv
Maybe it was because we were a big group but the food was disappointing. We paid quite a lot and certainly not value for money. The staff were nice and the location is great
Zachary Morgan
Restoran Maikrahv
Excellent food and excellent service! The traditional Russian soup, along with the mushroom soup, were very good.
Angela Holtgard
Restoran Maikrahv
We just picked the place by chance and it worked out. Went with the mushroom risotto with truffle oil and sweet potato fries that we split. All done well, and hit the spot.
Kristi Rugo
Restoran Maikrahv
Worse experience ever! We went for a concert dinner, had ordered snacks at table and got wine, main courses were probably supposed to be served before or during the concert, but we never got them! The service was super arrogant and rude! Surprised the place is operating at all! Whatever circumstances are, don’t ever go there!
Lienīte Medinieka
Restoran Maikrahv
Really, really bad experience with our team having Christmas dinner. Didn’t get the chance to try the food, so no comments! There much more amazing places in Tallinn to have a diner if you are with company. Forbidden to laugh!
Restoran Maikrahv
Amazing food. They have a private room upstairs that I would recommend for a large group. They attend often and service is good.

Lisa Arvustus


Raekoja plats 8, 10146 Tallinn
Restoran Maikrahv