Jägala juga Kubja tee, Jägala-Joa, 74212 Harju maakond

Jägala juga

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Jägala juga Kubja tee, Jägala-Joa, 74212 Harju maakond

Ettevõtte kohta



Helista meile
Kubja tee, Jägala-Joa, 74212 Harju maakond


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  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Sobib lastele

Soovitatud Arvustused

Donatas Rupeika
Jägala juga
I was astonished to see such an amazing nature's miracle in such a short distance from the capital city Tallinn. I didn't even expect to see a natural waterfall in Estonia. If you are exploring north of Estonia you must find time to pay a visit to this place.
Mila iloria
Jägala juga
National geographical in Estonia. Amazing power of falling water. Great to recharge yourself.Big park around on both sides of the waterfall.Free of charge
Andrius Kaikaris
Jägala juga
Really nice waterfall, it's possible to go behind it and to take a swim near it if you want.
Mika-Matti Karikko
Jägala juga
A nice waterfall in a calm and quiet place surrounded by some grassy hills and fields. Not much else on location, but it was still worth the trip.
Johannes Ebert
Jägala juga
Wow! What a powerful place!I went there in winter and spend time there just by myself.Fresh snow everywhere, natural looking water at the frozen stone wall!Really enjoyed walking around and I recommend everyone to do the same.There are two spots where you can have a look to the waterfall and the other parking place on the other side is also a really nice perspective.30 min by car from Tallinn, toilet boxes around - very peaceful and worth to visit.
Jesse Luukkonen
Jägala juga
One of the three waterfalls in the region. Water is clear and flowing along the river before meeting the beautiful small waterfall. It is in middle of lush forestry surrounding. After the waterfall it continues its way towards the old water plant. You can leave your car or bike on the parking space reserved for the location.
Ken Tikerpäe
Jägala juga
Alati äge külastada seda. Hetkel vett vähe ja saab läbi vee turvaliselt kõndida.
Quynh Giao Phan
Jägala juga
This is a natural gift. Jägala waterfall is the largest natural waterfall in Estonia. The scene is picturesque; the surrounding area is green and peaceful. This place could be ideal for a family picnic.The waterfall is about +30 min drive from airport, and about 50 min drive from the harbor. There is a convenient parking place right near there. Also when we visited, there is a small truck food, from which you can buy sausages and hot dogs I think!
Marek Kluka
Jägala juga
What an unexpected nature formation not far from capital Talinn. In plain land with no mountains there is nothing really to see and then suddenly waterfalls! And how amazing they are. Wide river has two levels and shallow water is gently falling from above to down part, which visually remind water curtain. Free parking and relaxing quiet surroundings made this place a worth visiting stop on journey to Narva

Lisa Arvustus


Kubja tee, Jägala-Joa, 74212 Harju maakond
Jägala juga