Paper Mill Coffee Masina 20, 10113 Tallinn

Paper Mill Coffee

257 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev08–16
  • neljapäev08–16
  • reede08–16
  • laupäev10–17
  • pühapäev10–17
  • esmaspäev08–16
  • teisipäev08–16

Paper Mill Coffee Masina 20, 10113 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Paper Mill |


Helista meile
Masina 20, 10113 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev08–16
  • neljapäev08–16
  • reede08–16
  • laupäev10–17
  • pühapäev10–17
  • esmaspäev08–16
  • teisipäev08–16


  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Kaasaostmine
  • Kohapeal söömine

Soovitatud Arvustused

Grigory Feklistov
Paper Mill Coffee
Real good espresso from washed Honduras !!! Apple acids, clear and long aftertaste !!! You have choices with two type of beans, fresh roasted and great aroma!
Anna Enora
Paper Mill Coffee
Wonderful customer service! All foods, coffee, etc. are delicious and taste fresh & home made.
Eugene Y
Paper Mill Coffee
Excellent quality coffee. The milk of the flat white was velvety smooth. Croissant an excellent breakfast choice! I think this little cafe is definitely the best coffee shop is Talinn.
Ece Nur Masood
Paper Mill Coffee
I tried their oat cappuccino with their Paper Mill espresso beans and thoroughly enjoyed it. Great coffee and a lovely atmosphere. Next time I would love to go there earlier and try some of their pastries as well as I was there during the afternoon. An excellent specialty coffee shop and a go-to stop for those living in Tallinn or just passing by!
Julia Melnychuk
Paper Mill Coffee
This is the best coffee shop in Tallinn! They offer fantastic coffee (plus any advice related to it), a variety of beans to choose from and delicious food. I especially love their lunch options!Super friendly and incredibly knowledgeable baristas always make it such a joy to come back ❤️
Rachel Engebretson
Paper Mill Coffee
We stopped in here before catching our bus to Riga, and it was a perfect end to an awesome visit to Tallinn. I had an iced oat milk flat white and took advantage of their spacious cafe and free Wifi to pass the time before our departure. The baristas were both kind and spoke great English, making it very easy for me as a tourist to get my caffeine fix. Don't miss this spot if you are in the area!
Niirt Kiul
Paper Mill Coffee
Väga asjalik ja mõnus kohvikoht - moodne ja nooruslik, aga siiski ka hubane. Teenindus on väga meeldiv ja abivalmis. Karjase saia tooted on maitsvad ning kohv on samuti väga hea. Kukkel juustu ja pestoga on väga hea.Asukoht on praktiline (Fahle keskuse ja Bussijaama vahetus läheduses) - sinna pääseb lihtsalt nii jalgsi, ühistranspordi kui ka autoga.
Paper Mill Coffee
Perfect specialty coffee not only Tallin but also EU counties that I've been visited during my EU trip. I tried flat white, my wife americano and my baby for hot chocolate with some pastries which are all super delicious. MUST VISIT when you visit Tallin.
Piia Õunpuu
Paper Mill Coffee
One of the best coffee/breakfast places in Tallinn. Great all day breakfast dishes, in a bit if a middle eastern style, with reasonable prices, especially considering the portion size and quality of ingredients too! Amazing coffee, roasted at the same place. Super beautiful interior. What’s not to like, really! Only the location is a bit off-central, but so easy to get to by tram or walking and 100% worth it as well.

Lisa Arvustus


Masina 20, 10113 Tallinn
Paper Mill Coffee