Spaces - Tallinn, Rotermann Rotermanni 6, 10111 Tallinn

Spaces - Tallinn, Rotermann

44 Arvustused
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Spaces - Tallinn, Rotermann Rotermanni 6, 10111 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Bürooruum linnas Tallinn | Spaces | Spaces Rotermann linnas Tallinn pakub paindlikke bürooruume, võrgustikutööks suurepäraseid ühiskasutatavaid tööruume ja toega koosolekuruume. See on kujundaja tööruum, mille kalender on täidetud kureeritud sündmustega, mis sütitavad mõttekaaslaste koostööd.


Helista meile
Rotermanni 6, 10111 Tallinn


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  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Veebikohtumised on saadaval

Soovitatud Arvustused

Jana Krištanová
Spaces - Tallinn, Rotermann
Nice office spaces where and old and nicely preserved historical buildings and walls are combined with very modern and buildings that contains a lot of glass.There is a small kitchen on every floor where you can boil water, or use a fridge to store your food. No microwave, though.
haha cemb
Spaces - Tallinn, Rotermann
Poor reception and service. The woman from reception desk added invoice to my account without even notifying me.
Joao Fialho (MBA)
Spaces - Tallinn, Rotermann
Nice and cozy work environment
Elena Kulikova
Spaces - Tallinn, Rotermann
the only good thing is the location.No microwave, reception hardly ever answer calls or reply to emails, kitchen utensils are always dirty after the dishwasher although there’s no soap or sponge to clean the kitchens by hand, toilet seat is broken, there are no bins in the bathroom, came back on Monday bin has not been emptied since friday.. I can continue
Antonio P
Spaces - Tallinn, Rotermann
I just stayed her for some day, and was a nice place, well localized and near to the old town.
Silva Hunt
Spaces - Tallinn, Rotermann
Our team loves the modern and open spaces here :)
Spaces - Tallinn, Rotermann
EnglishI do not recommend using this company. A separate co-working space for 15 people was rented for 3 days.On the first day I left a change of shoes for the next day under the sofa. As a result, the shoes were gone.When I came in the next morning I turned to the reception for help - the girl coldly replied that they were not responsible for this. Nevertheless, I asked to clarify whether the cleaning lady had removed the sneakers to another place. The answer was 'yes, of course'.During a break after 3 hours, I came to clarify whether it was possible to contact the cleaning lady - they coldly answered me that the cleaning lady would come in the evening, then we would find out. When I asked to call her, administrator ignored my inquiry.When I came up in the evening, I received an answer that the cleaning lady had not come yet, and to leave my number. I wrote it - guess what's next?! .. Right - no calls in the evening.The next day - I again checked with the administrator if they managed to find out something, and I got a cold answer - 'there is nothing'. I was trying to find out if there was a chance to somehow find shoes, and again it was cold 'no' and 0 attempts to help.If you want to grow your business, hire more customer-focused workers. I do not recommend the place.__________РусскийНе рекомендую использовать сервисы этой компании. Был снят отдельный коворкинг на 15 человек на 3 дня.В первый день оставила сменную обувь для следующего дня под диванчиком. В результате на следующее утро обувь пропала.Я обратилась за помощью на ресепшн - девушка холодно ответила, что они не несут за это ответственности. Я попросила все же уточнить, не убрала ли уборщица сменные кеды в другое место. На что получила ответ - да, конечно уточню.Во время перерыва через 3 часа, пришла уточнить, удалось ли связаться с уборщицей - мне холодно ответили, что вечером придет уборщица, тогда и узнаем. На мои просьбы позвонить ей - промолчали.Когда я вечером подошла - получила ответ, что уборщица еще не пришла, мол оставьте свой номер, мы позвоним. Написала свой номер мобильного - догадались, что дальше?!.. Верно - никаких звонков вечером.На следующий день - вновь уточняю у администратора - удалось что-то узнать, и получаю холодный ответ - ничего нету. Пытаюсь узнать, возможно есть шанс как-то найти обувь, и снова - холодное нет" и 0 попыток помочь.Если вы хотите развивать бизнес - возьмите более клиентоориентированных работников. Не рекомендую место."
Nadim Jarudi
Spaces - Tallinn, Rotermann
Beautiful offices and a great location in the city. Surrounding restaurants have lunch deals as well.However, the management of the venue are sticklers for fine print and there are a lot of hidden costs. Who gets charged to scan a piece of paper?!? Ended up being more expensive than local competitors.
Aidar Aukenov
Spaces - Tallinn, Rotermann
Very comfortable coworking zone and nice staff who are flexible to requests
Gala & Casual DMC & Event Planning
Spaces - Tallinn, Rotermann
Best coworking in Tallinn, amazing modern design, perfect location.

Lisa Arvustus


Rotermanni 6, 10111 Tallinn
Spaces - Tallinn, Rotermann