Ristiku Pesumaja (Aberto Clean OÜ) Ristiku 11, 10612 Tallinn

Ristiku Pesumaja (Aberto Clean OÜ)

36 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev10–17
  • neljapäevSuletud
  • reede10–17
  • laupäevSuletud
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev10–17
  • teisipäevSuletud

Ristiku Pesumaja (Aberto Clean OÜ) Ristiku 11, 10612 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Ristiku Pesumaja |


Helista meile
Ristiku 11, 10612 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev10–17
  • neljapäevSuletud
  • reede10–17
  • laupäevSuletud
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev10–17
  • teisipäevSuletud


  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Veebipõhised hinnapakkumised on saadaval
  • Kohapeal pakutavad teenused

Soovitatud Arvustused

Feng Pan
Ristiku Pesumaja (Aberto Clean OÜ)
They said they can wash the coat with hand-wash lable, but they used machine to wash that coat, which made the coat no longer wearable.
Martin Kottisse
Ristiku Pesumaja (Aberto Clean OÜ)
They make miracles
Jorgen Sumin
Ristiku Pesumaja (Aberto Clean OÜ)
Väga meeldiv ja korrektne teenus
Bernhard B
Ristiku Pesumaja (Aberto Clean OÜ)
Unfortunately I can only confirm what some people have already written here.There are few (no?) other options for tourists to get your laundry cleaned in Tallin.So pleeease dear madame, learn basics of english. And 10€ for about 1 kg of clothes is way too much! How about using cloth bags to put laundry from different customers together in one machine? One star extra for that my wash was ready on time. So at least she is reliable.
Adrian Pica
Ristiku Pesumaja (Aberto Clean OÜ)
Went in and wanted to ask some questions but the lady said she's not speaking English (while browsing on her phone and not even looking at me) and then told me to get out with hand signs, yelling in Estonian at me.This was after I tried calling for a few hours but nobody answered the phone.Being yelled at was a new level of bad service
Maili Kongas
Ristiku Pesumaja (Aberto Clean OÜ)
Omanik ebaviisakas ja ründav ilma põhjuseta.
Rasmus Toome
Ristiku Pesumaja (Aberto Clean OÜ)
Olen viin tip top. Aga 10st 5ni. V2ga raske on oma aega s2ttida, et j6uaks
Masha Z
Ristiku Pesumaja (Aberto Clean OÜ)
Great place, same day laundry for 20 Euro for two people and 2 weeks of clothes. Thanks!
Ristiku Pesumaja (Aberto Clean OÜ)
(Looks like a store) I've changed my mind now, i really look back to my old review and it was not it. I really like you'r service in there and that you guys are friendly, so i will give you a 5 stars. Thanks!
Pille Pikner-Vaiksaar
Ristiku Pesumaja (Aberto Clean OÜ)
väga kiire ja hea teenindus!

Lisa Arvustus


Ristiku 11, 10612 Tallinn
Ristiku Pesumaja (Aberto Clean OÜ)