Zen SPA in von Stackelberg Hotel Tallinn Toompuiestee 23, 10137 Tallinn

Zen SPA in von Stackelberg Hotel Tallinn

10 Arvustused

Zen SPA in von Stackelberg Hotel Tallinn Toompuiestee 23, 10137 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Elegant Lifestyle Hotel - Von Stackelberg Hotel Tallinn | Lifestyle hotel created in the 19th century, located in the city center of Tallinn, a 10-minute walk away from the Old Town. More info on the website.


Helista meile
Toompuiestee 23, 10137 Tallinn



  • Tualett

Soovitatud Arvustused

Zen SPA in von Stackelberg Hotel Tallinn
Meeldiv teenindus nii telefoniteel kui ka kohapeal ning elamuse enda kohta jagub mul samuti vaid kiidusõnu! Ruumide atmosfäär oli kordades mõnusam kui piltide pealt oli tundunud ja isegi suupisted maitsesid seal palju paremini, kui kodus - soovitan kindlalt!
Liam Jernudd
Zen SPA in von Stackelberg Hotel Tallinn
We visited the spa as part of our package at the hotel. We had an hour and a half to ourselves in the jacuzzi + sauna + steam room section, which was quite nice. Only complaint was the jacuzzi was luke warm and we weren’t able to adjust it.
Johan Rask
Zen SPA in von Stackelberg Hotel Tallinn
Horrible customer service. Sauna was not warm. Had to pay full price and manager called me a liar even though I informed personel two times during visit that sauna was not working properly.

Lisa Arvustus


Toompuiestee 23, 10137 Tallinn
Zen SPA in von Stackelberg Hotel Tallinn