Aqva Hotel & Spa Parkali 4, Rakvere, 44308 Lääne-Viru maakond

Aqva Hotel & Spa

2896 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev09–22
  • neljapäev09–22
  • reede09–22
  • laupäev08–22
  • pühapäev08–22
  • esmaspäev09–22
  • teisipäev09–22

Aqva Hotel & Spa Parkali 4, Rakvere, 44308 Lääne-Viru maakond

Ettevõtte kohta

Spaamuinasjutt saab alguse Rakveres | Spaamuinasjutt saab alguse Rakveres Spaamuinasjutt saab alguse Rakveres Avasta Hotell Toad ja sviidid Sinu puhkuseks hoolikalt ettevalmistatud hubastes tubades…


Helista meile
Parkali 4, Rakvere, 44308 Lääne-Viru maakond


  • kolmapäev09–22
  • neljapäev09–22
  • reede09–22
  • laupäev08–22
  • pühapäev08–22
  • esmaspäev09–22
  • teisipäev09–22


  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • LGBTQ+-sõbralik
  • Ohutu koht transseksuaalidele

Soovitatud Arvustused

Tarmo Pungas
Aqva Hotel & Spa
One of the best spa experiences in Estonia I've had. Although pricey, the spa features modern facilities, including plenty of saunas, a waterslide, hot tubs, pools and a small outdoors area. There's also a pool for kids.The spa was not too crowded during our visit. It's positioned close to a great local cafe.
Tauri Esna
Aqva Hotel & Spa
Väga super kogemus !Teenindus väga hea, spa pool on ainult kiiduväärt.Toad on väga viisakad ja head. Miinusesks vb et voodi on liiga pehme. Kellele meeldib kellele ei. Aga muidu kindlasti koht mida külastada ja soovitada. Siiani parim Spa mida Eestis külastanud.
Armand Hansson
Aqva Hotel & Spa
Amazing rooms, they are clean and big, by getting a family room we got 2 rooms with separate doors. Beds were comfortable. The spa area is nice, there is a kids pool and even a waterslide. There were some professional swimming pools and there was an area for saunas. The breakfast in the restaurant was amazing, there was a big selection of foods and overall a nice mood. There was available an indoor playground for kids.
Monica Meristo
Aqva Hotel & Spa
Basseinis vesi liiga jahe eile. Tahaks ikka oma normi täis ujuda aga ei saa sest külm hakkab. Esmaspäeval oli ok vesi
Merle Hermat
Aqva Hotel & Spa
Tuba oli ilus ja voodi mugav . Pole paremat sööki kuskil hotellis enne saanudki kui seal. Saime hilise check out teha. Teenindus oli hea. Kõik oli super aga basseiniala oli igav ja suht väike . Vajaks kindlasti uuendust. (Lastega peredele on see sobiv kuna vee temp oli igal pool suht soe ja õhutemp oli ka päris palav juba)
Rita Poljakov
Aqva Hotel & Spa
Olin oma perepuhkusega ülimalt rahul.Väikese lapsega koos puhkamiseks ideaalne koht. Toad on mugavad ja puhtad.Hommikusöök rikkalik.Restoran suurepärase teenindusega.Saunamaailm ideaalne.Mängutuba lapsega puhkajale.Vastuvõtt suurepärane.Tänan ja peatse kohtumiseni.
Kersti Arumetsa
Aqva Hotel & Spa
Great hotel. Went there with my parents and kids. We all enjoyed the different swimming pools and saunas. Had amazing dinner in the restaurant there as well. Service was excellent. Breakfast buffet had a wide variety of choices for everyone. The receptionist was very friendly and professional. Thank you for the experience!
Marko Myllymaa
Aqva Hotel & Spa
Air condition is insane. You cant control air condition by yourself. As we arrived to room it has 18 degrees. Discussed with reception. They ask what temperature you want, I say 21 degrees. Still room is frozen after two hours. Still Fan is at high speed. Now I need to go back and ask again to warm the temp or turn it of. I think we will leave the after air condition is fine. Totally stupid system. Never come back to this hotel anymore.I would except that this level prizing there would not be this kind of issues.
Nelli Mitt
Aqva Hotel & Spa
Very  bad service. We arrived with the child at 21:00, and there was only one employee for the entire hotel. He was very slow. We booked one of the best suites, which was not even heated.Very unprofessinal reception worker who could not help us.At the morning same impolite attitude..... Maybe its just the level of this hotel.....Very bad impression..

Lisa Arvustus


Parkali 4, Rakvere, 44308 Lääne-Viru maakond
Aqva Hotel & Spa