Nature Tours in Estonia Palgi, Ahunapalu, 62414 Tartu maakond

Nature Tours in Estonia

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Nature Tours in Estonia Palgi, Ahunapalu, 62414 Tartu maakond

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Nature Tours Estonia | Nature Tours Estonia |


Helista meile
Palgi, Ahunapalu, 62414 Tartu maakond


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  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
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Soovitatud Arvustused

Aivar Leega
Nature Tours in Estonia
Huvitav valik töörõivaid.
Angela Kõllamõts
Nature Tours in Estonia
Super elamus valgete ööde kanuumatkalt! Väga hea korraldus. Kiidame lahket ja väga abivalmist perenaist Kristinat, kes kostitas lisaks pirukatele, oma aia maasikatele ka väga põnevate juttudega. Soovitame väga!
Heino Viik
Nature Tours in Estonia
Kristina is a warm and bright person who introduces to you unseen and unheard of places in beautiful bog. Places yet untread by human foot ... but tramped by lot of animals. She spices the experience with poetic local stories and excellent food!
Eline Mill
Nature Tours in Estonia
In August I enjoyed a guided tour through the forest and Bogs of Ahunapalu. It was exciting to leave the paths and explore this nature in a way I would not have experienced without a professional guide. I am happy to have learned about mushrooms, berries and how the bogs play an important role in the intriguing history of Estonia. Thanks to our inspiring guide, the energy in our small group was very spontaneous and personal.
Fiona Fuchs
Nature Tours in Estonia
What an adventure! I was lucky enough to take part in a foraging tour and a cloudberry picking tour with Nature guide Kristina, discovering the south estonian wilderness near Ahunapalu and i had an amazing time!The smells and sounds of the forest, the Intensity of the colours and the sounds of nature at its purest is truly a magical experience.Kristina knows the most beautiful hidden spots and some secret places for finding the most delicious berries and mushrooms. She also happily shared her knowledge about the wildlife in the forest and the bogs, explained animal traces and gave inside information about the local flora and fauna.As she and her partner Heinrich do guided kanoo tours and dog sledding tours too, i definitely have a reason to come back soon. Thank you so much, this was an absolute highlight of my trip to estonia, I can highly recommend it!
Nature Tours in Estonia
Elan seal. Parem on ainult seal, kus meid ei ole...
Louise Montagne
Nature Tours in Estonia
An amazing experience ! We went canoeing at sunset in april, we saw and heard a lot of animals ! Kristina explained a lot about Estonian nature to us. She is a lovely person who is very passionate about nature and loves to share her knowledge.We also saw some beautiful mushrooms and we ate home made pancakes and tea, on a bog island.This wild area is so beautiful, I will come a second time for sure !Thank you for all !Louise
Jakob Boss
Nature Tours in Estonia
During the Autumn of 2021, I was able to travel around Europe and really lost my heart in Estonia. Specifically in South-East Estonia. An absolute peaceful environment with beautiful nature.Thanks to Heinrich & Kristina of Nature Tours Estonia, I was able to enjoy a wide variety of experiences during my stay. Dogsledding, canoeing, hiking and berry foraging, I tried it all. And every experience was very unique. I loved it!As long as you love being in nature and you want to try something new, I definitely recommend coming here.
Margo Laul
Nature Tours in Estonia
Väga halb kogemus! Lapsed käisid klassi lõpu ekskursiooni raames kanuumatkal. Matkajuhi suhtumine lastesse oli alla igasugust arvestust. Korraldus jättis soovida.
Indrek Maripuu
Nature Tours in Estonia
Erakordne kanuuretk Emajõe Suursoos.

Lisa Arvustus


Palgi, Ahunapalu, 62414 Tartu maakond
Nature Tours in Estonia