Tartu raekoja plats Raekoja plats, 51004 Tartu

Tartu raekoja plats

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Tartu raekoja plats Raekoja plats, 51004 Tartu

Ettevõtte kohta

Town Hall Square in Tartu | Visit Tartu | Tartu Town Hall Square is the trapeze-shaped central square of Tartu, surrounded by classical buildings. The current town hall is the third building that has been erected to that spot. In the 18th century, the square was the location of the most important market in the city – der Grosse Markt, or the Great Market. Since 1998, it has been adorned by the fountain known as the


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Raekoja plats, 51004 Tartu


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Soovitatud Arvustused

Will Cartier
Tartu raekoja plats
A two day stay is required here as it’s an enjoyable place. Lots of good restaurants to try delightful dishes. The square has lively colour to wonderful buildings.
Wiley E. Coyote
Tartu raekoja plats
Beautiful! Lots of cafes, restaurants, and nice old buildings. Some might call it the heart of Tartu!
Niraj Dugad
Tartu raekoja plats
Town Hall is an amazing place, and the vibe is extraordinary. Lots of nice cafés and restaurants around. One can visit in the evenings to enjoy the surroundings.Some upgradation work is going on as the city has been declared as the cultural capital of Europe, and there are 300+ events lined up in 2024. Town Hall Square is the centre of all tge events and activities.
Roshni Chakraborty
Tartu raekoja plats
I loved it! Its pretty and very instragramable. Now with the Christmas market and snow, it looks like hollywood movie..there is a skating ring and several shops to enjoy
Diogo Penas
Tartu raekoja plats
Amazing center place. Has many activities during the year. It serves as a main passing point with a lot of restaurants, clubs and stores on the side streets. There is also a park and shopping center nearby.It get busy on weekends/party days and it's a beautiful place overall
Mantas Centurione
Tartu raekoja plats
There was a skating rink in Rituše Square, a beautiful fir tree stood, a bonfire was burning for warming up, the mood was great.
Ene Kirsi
Tartu raekoja plats
Meenutuste paik.. nii vahva raamatulaat. Sai kotitäie märkamatult osta. Väga ilus vana linn.
Iryna Dunbar
Tartu raekoja plats
Beautiful town square with lots of events occurring during the summer. We were there during the film festival '22.Plenty of places to eat and cheaper than in Tallinn. A few nice shops around the square too.

Lisa Arvustus


Raekoja plats, 51004 Tartu
Tartu raekoja plats