Restoran Mandarin Tartu mnt 42, 10115 Tallinn

Restoran Mandarin

128 Arvustused

Restoran Mandarin Tartu mnt 42, 10115 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Hiina toit Tallinnas ja Haapsalus koju ja kaasa! - Mandarin |


Helista meile
Tartu mnt 42, 10115 Tallinn



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Soovitatud Arvustused

Susanna Koivisto
Restoran Mandarin
Low prices, locally popular place. (also take away) crispy chicken was really too sweet to eat, lamb kebab ok
Eero Jakobson
Restoran Mandarin
Soodne söögikoht. Tundub, et teenindajad vahetuvad tihti ja seetõttu teeninduskvaliteet kannatab. Ka toit (tellime tavaliselt kana musta pipraga) on väga erinevalt tehtud. Vahel suurepärane, vahel lihtsalt söödav.
Restoran Mandarin
The online menu is outdated, so dont order by the numbers, order by the dishes name. Make yourself very clear of what you are ordering to the cashier and before they start making the food, ask what you ordered. Otherwise great food, ca 10-25 minutes for food to get ready.
Mike Hoolehan
Restoran Mandarin
The food, a mix of restaurant-style Indian and Chinese, is quite good. It's a small casual place out of the center town, but service is adequate for such a location.
Matt L
Restoran Mandarin
A place that wants to serve both Indian and Chinese food is never going to be able to perfect either cuisine - but it'll do when starving! Convenient location quite close to the bus station.
Cyrus Vaziri
Restoran Mandarin
Some of the best Asian cuisine in Tallinn. Recommend the cherry chicken if you like something sweet. The green tea is also really good. Very nice staff.
Indrek Vilms
Restoran Mandarin
Its ok place for have some asian food. Its not a restaurant, but a casual diner for take-away or eating at the place. The cooks seem to be from india thus there is menu of india, thai etc. The price is medium and if you are hungry the food will definitely please you. But its not the place you bring your girlfriend to the romantic dinner. Rather park your car nearby and order the food to take-away.
Alex Vahter
Restoran Mandarin
The food we got wasn't as good as promised. We got a good dish and a terrible dish. The bad one was bland and soggy. Atleast the crispy chicken was OK.
Jako Arula
Restoran Mandarin
Teenindus ok, atmosfäär ok, toidud ka täitsa ok. Ei midagi erilist aga tegelikult täitsa muhe koht.
Andre Hinn
Restoran Mandarin
Toidud on väga maitsvad, muusika samas ülimaitsetu, ei midagi aasiapärast! Hinnad võiksid kah veidi odavamad olla...

Lisa Arvustus


Tartu mnt 42, 10115 Tallinn
Restoran Mandarin