Mustamäe Keskuse Apollo kauplus A. H. Tammsaare tee 104a, 12918 Tallinn

Mustamäe Keskuse Apollo kauplus

244 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev10–20
  • neljapäev10–20
  • reede10–20
  • laupäev10–20
  • pühapäev10–19
  • esmaspäev10–20
  • teisipäev10–20

Mustamäe Keskuse Apollo kauplus A. H. Tammsaare tee 104a, 12918 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Esileht - Apollo | Apollo


Helista meile
A. H. Tammsaare tee 104a, 12918 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev10–20
  • neljapäev10–20
  • reede10–20
  • laupäev10–20
  • pühapäev10–19
  • esmaspäev10–20
  • teisipäev10–20


  • Kohapeal ostmine
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Krediitkaardid
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav lift

Soovitatud Arvustused

Patryk Bratkowski
Mustamäe Keskuse Apollo kauplus
This shop opens all XBOX games and pulls the discs out, so even though you allegedly buy new games, you never know if they are actually new or complete. You also get to wait 10 minutes at the cash register while an employee looks for a disc. Treating your customers like thieves is kind of insulting, to be honest, as is not valuing their time. Sub-par customer service because of management's poor decisions. What year is this?
Alynne Solway
Mustamäe Keskuse Apollo kauplus
I went into the cinema with my friends after being incapacitated for five weeks in my apartment with a serious illness. I am an expatriate and an International Educator and when I attempted to go in with something to drink and eat because I am still on heavy medication and require these things, not only was I refused by I was forced to put all my water and food in a bag and leave it outside the theatre. When I Explained to the woman who was checking our tickets what I required, I needed I was told I could use a bag. When I went to take out the bag from my purse and put my things into it, she immediately locked the doors to the theatre, would not allow anyone in and walked out to watch what I was doing. I asked to speak to a manager who was actually just a cashier and give up all of my necessities. Nowhere outside the theatre does it indicate you can not take something in with you. The customer is advised you must not use a camera, video recorder or a cell phone. So, after all this nonsense, I finally went to watch the movie Aladdin, didn’t have liquid to take my medication and watched as ten people, after the movie began to enter the theatre with self-purchased food from Rimi. I feel I was discriminated against as a foreigner and someone who has been contributing to this country for the past two years. I am highly disappointed at the behaviour of the staff at the theatre and this young woman in particular who was most disrespectful and smug. When I went to recover my possessions at the end of the movie, I told her I felt she had been discriminatory. She did not respond completely, she would not look at me and there was no manager to be seen. This is absolutely unconscionable when people have paid to enter a movie and take the time to explain why they have brought something with them. I would recommend you teach your staff how to truly engage in positive customer service or you will lose clientele and receive future low grades on your services. With that said, I would not go back to this theatre again because there are rules for some but they are inconsistent.
Mustamäe Keskuse Apollo kauplus
Suhteliselt mõttetu pood. Midagi vajalikku pole ja see vähene, mis on, on niimoodi mööda poodi laiali paigutatud, et kaupa ei leia isegi poe enda töötajad. Kurb :(
Kaire Trei
Mustamäe Keskuse Apollo kauplus
Popcorn oli äärmiselt kummalise maitsega ja palju valmimata popcorni oli topsis.
Indrek Martin
Mustamäe Keskuse Apollo kauplus
Mustamäel paiknev kino. Hea asukoht. Mugav ligipääs (nii jala, jalgratta, ühistranspordi kui autoga).
Kriste Muru
Mustamäe Keskuse Apollo kauplus
Pood suur ja hea valik, kuid klienditeenindus jätab soovida. Väga üleolev suhtumine.
Kaupo Kallaste
Mustamäe Keskuse Apollo kauplus
Apollo kino on külastamist väärt
Mustamäe Keskuse Apollo kauplus
The theater has comfortable seats, excellent sound quality, and a large screen, making for a great viewing experience. The staff are friendly and helpful, and the prices are reasonable. The theater is conveniently located in the shopping center, making it a great spot to grab a movie and a bite to eat. Overall, the Mustamäe Apollo Cinema is a fantastic choice for moviegoers in Tallinn.
ARV Team
Mustamäe Keskuse Apollo kauplus
Mõnus kino ja parkla katusel.
Siim Kala
Mustamäe Keskuse Apollo kauplus
Olemas on kõik vajalik, parkimiseks mugav automaat, pakiautomaadid, pangaautomaadid ja tasuta tualett. Süüa saab Lidos või mõnes teises kohas. Söögikohti on mitmeid erinevaid. Parklas on ka alati ruumi olnud kui mina olen külastanud.

Lisa Arvustus


A. H. Tammsaare tee 104a, 12918 Tallinn
Mustamäe Keskuse Apollo kauplus