Unique stay town hall square Raekoja plats 10, 51004 Tartu

Unique stay town hall square

6 Arvustused

Unique stay town hall square Raekoja plats 10, 51004 Tartu

Ettevõtte kohta



Helista meile
Raekoja plats 10, 51004 Tartu



  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla

Soovitatud Arvustused

Alexander Schmidt
Unique stay town hall square
It's a shared appartment with individually rented rooms. Toilets, showers and kitchen are shared with up to 9 other rooms. The shower was not very clean but okay. They offer a washine machine and dryer, the kitchen is very nice.Stay if you dont mind sharing showers and toilets.
ирина черкашина
Unique stay town hall square
Дуже сподобався готель, чисто, без лишніх запахів. Номер 6 вид на ратушу, номер 5 у двір. Має код доступу, зручно. Можна навіть ні з ким не пересіктись. Готель має пральні машини, кухню та кімнату відпочинку з великим телевізором.Із мінусів: забитий унітаз та не ввічлива адміністратор по телефону.
Unique stay town hall square
They are renting out rooms of a well renovated historical apartment. Entrance from the down hall. Door left to the Irish bar. Living room has view to the town hall. Kitchen is spacious as was the room for two persons.Well organized self service via access code.Down side was the noise coming from the ventilation devices when the window was opened. It was in room no 3.

Lisa Arvustus


Raekoja plats 10, 51004 Tartu
Unique stay town hall square