Kiviranna Holiday Home Urinurga, Suure-Rakke, 61113

Kiviranna Holiday Home

272 Arvustused

Kiviranna Holiday Home Urinurga, Suure-Rakke, 61113

Ettevõtte kohta

Kiviranna Puhkemaja Võrtsjärve kaldal | Kiviranna Puhkemaja Võrtsjärve kaldal pakub privaatset majutust, iglusauna kasutust, erinevaid tegevusi ja imelisi vaateid. Tule naudi puhkust imelise looduse keskel!


Helista meile
Urinurga, Suure-Rakke, 61113



  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Sobib lastele
  • Sobib laste sünnipäevadeks
  • Mänguväljak

Soovitatud Arvustused

Ville Martinson
Kiviranna Holiday Home
Ilus koht puhkuseks. Septembri lõpus väga vaikne. Plaanime suvel uuesti külastada.
Mindaugas Valkavicius
Kiviranna Holiday Home
Amazing place to stay with the tent, clean, good toilets and showers. Owner is very friendly.
Aleksandra Mielewczyk-Gryn
Kiviranna Holiday Home
Very nice camping, reasonable price and clean facilities.
efcisz 210
Kiviranna Holiday Home
The best camping I have ever been!
Kristiina Lõhmus
Kiviranna Holiday Home
Ei teadnudki,et mulle kodule üsna lähedal asub selline idülliline paigake. Kaunite kaskede all, suure järve ääres - tunne, nagu oleksin sattunud mere lähedale. Paigake, kus saab piknikupidusid pidada, kus lastel on puhas rõõm loodusega koos möllata. Jah, ka väga tore mänguala lastele oli olemas, aga enamus valis ranna ääre, kasesalu ja kivid, millele ronida, mida mööda turnida. Ka mina ronisin mööda kive. Uhh! Nii mõnus oli olla!!
Zanete Eglite
Kiviranna Holiday Home
Absolutely fantastic place. Not only the nice holiday houses, but also the camping with all the necessary facilities (good showers and wc’s, outdoor kitchen, fireplaces). It is located right next to the lake, where swimming is convenient for kids too, but you can also use the small swimming pool. The owners are super nice and helpful. Just one detail - don’t forget your anti-mosquito spray.
Muhammad Zubair
Kiviranna Holiday Home
I think a picnic can give us so much fun and entertainment. From our regular boring life, we need to take a break and go for a small picnic. A few days ago, I had an informal visit with my office friends. We visited the Kivirana Holiday Home near Võrtsjärve hoiuala (Viljandi). As you may know that it is a very popular Lake in Estonia.A huge number of tourists visit this place often. We went there on an antique wagon of one of our colleague, and we were three only. And that wagon was enough for us and had a great experience. It took 4 hours in driving and reaching there. We started our journey in mid-day time, and It took only 35 minutes to go to the destination started from Tartu City Center.The place is full of love and sensational memories. Place is about vocational holiday spot for couples and families to spend their special days with each other. I love to visit such places that’s why I enjoyed it well. It has a small playing area, small pool for kids. Also there was a spot where people can take bath in lake water.We had our ice cream in a local shop and it was really delicious yummy in sunny day. We took so many photos and wish to visit there again. That was a fun time.
Michael Bellinger
Kiviranna Holiday Home
Great camping sight close by the lake. One of the best spots at Võrtsjärv. WC and shower, water and even a sauna. We spent only 25 € per night for 6persons in a big caravan. Extreme friendly personel!
Markus Lippus
Kiviranna Holiday Home
A beautiful place beside Võrtsjärv with a beach and disc golf and everything. There's accommodation for small groups and families, but if you're traveling alone, like the sad sad man that I am, they'll set you up in a three room apartment with all amenities for 40€/night! Out of pity no doubt, but I'll take what I can get.There's also space for tenting and you can put your tent up in the shade so you can actually get some sleep while you're there. Access to showers costs some extra, but it's symbolic really.There's a cafe with a selection of beverages catering to the visiting Finns, a terrace and a pool!
Kiviranna Holiday Home
Wow, lihtsalt wow. Rannas näeb imelist päikeseloojangut. PereRahvas abivalmis. Tünnisaun super.

Lisa Arvustus


Urinurga, Suure-Rakke, 61113
Kiviranna Holiday Home