Interagio Narva mnt 5, 10117 Tallinn


25 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev10–19
  • neljapäev10–19
  • reede10–19
  • laupäevSuletud
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev10–19
  • teisipäev10–19

Interagio Narva mnt 5, 10117 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Competent trading education | Interagio | Willing to learn how to trade successfully using various tools? Explore our training packages and trade like a pro with Interagio!


Helista meile
Narva mnt 5, 10117 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev10–19
  • neljapäev10–19
  • reede10–19
  • laupäevSuletud
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev10–19
  • teisipäev10–19


  • Broneering on nõutud

Soovitatud Arvustused

Y Feldman
The amount of attention to detail in every lesson is fantastic. But in some blocs there was a feeling that this level was intended for experienced traders.Nevertheless the studying way was terrific.
Rodneyarcia G
Great selection of learning approach!! Kudos to your team's efforts!!!
Fe PiLa
Habrí una cuenta en Wasixcap, previo contacto con Intragio para darla de alta.Ahora necesito información para gestionar mi cta en Wasixcap y no hay ningún enlace de asesoramiento.
karen hart
Originally invested in a company called Fabinex, then moved to Stockscale - when I checked ALL the invested money had disappeared. When my bank investigated I was told that my money was with Interagio, who I have never even heard of, let alone invest or open an account with - they say they offer a service that I apparently 'bought', yet I have received nothing in the way of service or contact. They insist that I opened an account, and I am waiting for them to provide proof that I authorised this - I have absolutely no proof or paperwork from these people to confirm this.After months of backwards and forwards, Interagio did finally refund my money after signing a disclaimer, which I appreciate. However, they still refuse to acknowledge or accept the many negative reviews saying the same thing - they show little to no willingness to investigate why these reviews are left. Why do they not investigate if people 'apparently' buy a service but don't use it - this is a huge red flag, yet they remain unconcerned. Interagio continue to insist they have no knowledge of the investment companies where the money ends up in their courses, but the fact the reviews are months old and they are still happening shows that there is definitely something not right that they refuse to acknowledge, making it difficult to believe they are not involved in something that isn't legitimate.
who is this
I went through all 145 lessons here and I am proud that I chose Interagio! Daily market news and useful ebooks were a bonus for me. Thanks for such a great experience ❤️
Adrian Rotaru
I love how strategically well-organised this program is for novice learner!! I felt supported by educational tools and resources. For me going through a program well planned out is much better than taking the risk of watching videos on youtube. There are a ton of traders out there offering courses but do they have an academy?? Probably not...
Seunghyoung Lee
Beware of Interagio! My recent experience with them raised serious red flags. I initially registered on the platform, only to realize that my funds were mysteriously routed to Interagio. Despite promises of profits, I couldn't access my account. Numerous attempts to reach out for support and a refund yielded no response. It appears to be a potential scam. Stay cautious and avoid Interagio at all costs!
Sherry Battiste
hi, id like to convey my deep appreciation for your understanding of my concern and your invaluable assistance in resolving it. im delighted to confirm that the refund has indeed been credited. im genuinely thankful for your support.
Bit Coin
They taught me to calculate everything to the smallest detail to minimise possible risks and losses in the auction. These courses teach you to think correctly - to see the main trends and indicators that indicate imminent growth or vice versa.Thanks for having an opportunity to improve my skills!
overall the course was comprehensive. really liked the knowledge checks scattered throughout the lessons - they were an excellent way to reinforce my understanding and helped me retain the information. the lesson presentations were also pretty engaging._________________my only slight criticism would be that some of the video content could have been edited for length, but this didn’t detract from the value of the course in general.

Lisa Arvustus


Narva mnt 5, 10117 Tallinn