William Barrow Counselling J. Köleri 4, 10150 Tallinn

William Barrow Counselling

13 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev10–17
  • neljapäev10–17
  • reede10–17
  • laupäevSuletud
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev10–17
  • teisipäev10–17

William Barrow Counselling J. Köleri 4, 10150 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

General Counselling | General Counselling |


Helista meile
J. Köleri 4, 10150 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev10–17
  • neljapäev10–17
  • reede10–17
  • laupäevSuletud
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev10–17
  • teisipäev10–17


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  • Uute patsientide valstuvõtmine

Soovitatud Arvustused

Vicky Liu
William Barrow Counselling
My experience with William has been positive. His communication was clear and empathetic, making me feel listened and understood. He was always available when I needed him and respected my privacy. My well-being has improved thanks to his support.
William Barrow Counselling
William takes the time to get to know you well enough to not only listen to WHAT you’re saying but also to understand WHY you are saying it which is often more important in actually solving the problem. I would say that empathy is a very strong suit of his and he leverages this skill very well. This empathy, along with years of experience and different techniques of addressing issues and helping you understand yourself better, allows him to help you find the answers, maybe not that you thought you’re looking or that you wanted to hear but that will help you be happier with your life and help you become a happier, more resilient person when other unfortunate things happen in the future. Which is really why you’re probably looking for a councillor, to become a better stronger person.In couples counselling, William applies the same empathetic approach to both partners. again, He is experienced enough and just seems to have the right brain wiring to understand both people so well as to be able to translate one partners need to another in a way that promotes empathy and understanding. Understanding your partners needs and wants, but from their point of view, makes it a lot easier to bridge gaps or resolve long time issues that don’t seem to have an end.In my experience with both personal and couples counselling, its not William himself who solves your problems. The best way i could describe it is that he helps you learn how to teach yourself how to solve your own problems and by doing that you also learn to recognise things that would have become problems and stop them before they grow so big that you go looking for a counsellor to help solve them. Kind of like teaching a man to fish instead of just giving him a fish.I don’t personally have experience with other counsellors in Estonia in English but i do know that William is a solid choice who has helped me a lot.Highly, Highly Recommended
A Cunningham
William Barrow Counselling
William has a thirst for life and for living that is rare and precious and I found it infectious. Because I don’t live in Tallinn we Skyped once a week, through what were the very darkest days of my life. He is a gifted listener, an empathetic ally, a completely non-judgemental counsellor. He has a keen eye for seeing straight into the heart of a problem and for seeing a solution. He gently insisted that I had to change my thoughts and my perceptions of the world. It was not easy, but he convinced me that it was possible and he persevered when I stumbled. Most of all, he led me to believe that my life could be different. I could be better and my world could be better.The things I learned from William were life lessons that have stood me in good stead, time and time again. I’m no longer overwhelmed by my difficulties and I have a more accurate sense of my strengths as well as my weaknesses. His far-reaching influence is something that I’m still grateful for, every single day of my “one wild and precious life.”
Vittorio Consaga
William Barrow Counselling
Professional with empathic attitude. It's very easy to speak to him and after few sessions I can see the improvements.
Piers McEwan
William Barrow Counselling
Highly recommended. William offers the right balance of theoretical and practical and is extremely knowledgeable on the various areas I wanted to explore. I felt I could fully trust William from the moment we met, which says it all, really. I wish I'd started visiting him sooner.
L Harrington
William Barrow Counselling
Working together with William has shown me things about myself and how I interface with the world that I wasn’t even aware of. I found myself avoiding my troubles by hiding behind an anxious addiction to nicotine and alcohol, where William coached me through integrating into my new sober life. Our visits have completely changed my relationship between my Work/Life balance, and I’ve found my career is more enjoyable. My days of waking and feeling daily resentment are over and replaced with a new viewpoint of understanding. William’s matter-of-fact approach has given me the training wheels I needed to deal with my problems on my own. His conversation and counseling style is honest and to the point. Through this: I have a new found emotional independence that I never knew I could achieve without the use of medication; yet here I am, still me, but feeling brand new.

Lisa Arvustus


J. Köleri 4, 10150 Tallinn
William Barrow Counselling