Tallinna Linnaelumuuseum Vene 17, 10123 Tallinn

Tallinna Linnaelumuuseum

743 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev11–18
  • neljapäev11–18
  • reede11–18
  • laupäev11–18
  • pühapäev11–16
  • esmaspäevSuletud
  • teisipäev11–19

Tallinna Linnaelumuuseum Vene 17, 10123 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Linnaelumuuseum – Tallinna Linnamuuseum |


Helista meile
Vene 17, 10123 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev11–18
  • neljapäev11–18
  • reede11–18
  • laupäev11–18
  • pühapäev11–16
  • esmaspäevSuletud
  • teisipäev11–19


  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Sobib lastele
  • Restoran
  • Tualett
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav tualettruum

Soovitatud Arvustused

Nikos Gkekas
Tallinna Linnaelumuuseum
Nice and interesting museum. It includes a lot of information about the history of the city of Tallinn. It is easy to spend a couple of hours navigating yourself around. The number of the artifacts and the exhibitions is big and the information provided in the texts is sufficient. The location is perfect inside the old town and for sure worth a visit.
Tallinna Linnaelumuuseum
Parts of the exhibition are not very interesting (lots of porcelain) and some of the more interesting parts of the historic exhibits are not well lit.
Gary Brazel
Tallinna Linnaelumuuseum
It is worth visiting as their collection is good and interesting. However some of the display explanations were not good. The porcelain collection in the basement had each item numbered but there was no label anywhere that told you about it so it lacked context. There was only a general label on the glass that was for all the items in that display case.In another area there were signs to read but half of them were so dimly lit as to make them unreadable.
Aave Augjärv
Tallinna Linnaelumuuseum
Väga ilus arhitektuur, põnevat Tallinna linnaelu ajaloost, rikkalik portselani ja keraamikakogu.
marco fontana
Tallinna Linnaelumuuseum
Tallinn City Museum located in the old town is an interesting place to visit. It offers different expositions explaining the life, history and culture of the city from the Middle-Age untill the Contemporary Era. I recommend to stop-by once coming to visit Tallinn even for the reasonable price of its tikets.
Patrick Lim
Tallinna Linnaelumuuseum
Did not really enjoy the varying and messy sequence of the exhibition but it did give a good overview of the start of the city and the various stages of the city during the initial days. The entry isn’t that expensive and I think it’s worth going to take a look for about an hour if you have time to spare!
Lunatic Fever
Tallinna Linnaelumuuseum
Very interesting and enjoyable, includes stuff like the history of Tallin, various objects from all kinds of ages (pottery, tin and etc.). Another floor explains all the different occupations and life of people more in medieval times.The top floor also includes a 18+ exhibition.Overall I'd definitely recommend.The museum includes books/qr codes or such for people with other languages to still enjoy the information.Happy sightseeing.
willie allen
Tallinna Linnaelumuuseum
A lovely museum to spend an hour or two and learn the history of Tallinn. And the lady was so nice when explaining the museum to me. She couldn't have been more helpful.And a reasonable entrace fee as well.
Tamara MiJu
Tallinna Linnaelumuuseum
A nice way to get to know the history of Tallinn is a visit to the City Museum. English translations are available for all the exhibitions.
Anna Kulikova
Tallinna Linnaelumuuseum
It's such an amazing museum with great employees! We had so much fun there, especially because you can both study the history of the city and entertain yourself with the special 18+ exhibition on the last floor :)

Lisa Arvustus


Vene 17, 10123 Tallinn
Tallinna Linnaelumuuseum