Sushi Set Koidu 11, 10137 Tallinn

Sushi Set

201 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev12–22
  • neljapäev12–22
  • reede12–22
  • laupäev12–22
  • pühapäev12–22
  • esmaspäev12–22
  • teisipäev12–22

Sushi Set Koidu 11, 10137 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Sushi Set – Maitse sushi elamus ootab teid |


Helista meile
Koidu 11, 10137 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev12–22
  • neljapäev12–22
  • reede12–22
  • laupäev12–22
  • pühapäev12–22
  • esmaspäev12–22
  • teisipäev12–22


  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Krediitkaardid
  • Kohaletoomine
  • Deebetkaardid
  • NFC-mobiilimaksed
  • Sobib lastele
  • Kontaktivaba kohaletoimetamine
  • Tualett
  • Kaasaostmine
  • Kohapeal söömine
  • Alkohol
  • Kange alkohol
  • Kohv
  • Vein
  • Väikesed portsjonid
  • Õlu
  • Lõunasöök
  • Õhtusöök
  • Toitlustus
  • Magustoit
  • Hubane
  • Lihtne
  • Sobib gruppidele
  • Võtab vastu reserveeringuid
  • Kohapeal on baar

Soovitatud Arvustused

jae bae
Sushi Set
funny how people comment this place is good in general.For me as an asian, the fish tasted really old ( probably warm inside?)and it wasnt even a real sushi. its basically you roll the rice with piece of veges n sliced fish inside of the roll. This is not a sushi.whatever... what i found about estonia is that never trust the asian restaurant specially if local (russian) is the chef.
Eve Köse
Sushi Set
When I made the order by Bolt it showed approx 30-35 minutes, after finishing the order 54 minutes. Went to pick the food up in Sikupilli pick-up point, but the food wasn’t ready! I waited 20 more minutes over there! Altogether 74 minutes!Since ordering I didn’t get any notification, they didn’t announce about the extended waiting time! When I saw the lady who made the sushi, she shouted that she is working alone! Nice attitude! Called also to their customer service and they promised to contact me on Monday but looks like the “word” doesn’t mean anything to this company. Also sushi didn’t taste good.. I could say even that it was the worst sushi what I have eaten!They never contacted me after the situation.
Aleix Pujolar
Sushi Set
People, be honest, it deserves more than a 4,3. Okay, it's not a 5 star but I want to increase the rating.The sets are decent quality and it fills you quite a lot. If you are looking for a gourmet experience, go to a michelin star or sth you fancy pretencious individual.#Friday #Sushi
Erkin Najafli
Sushi Set
Our favorite sushi place in Tallinn! The taste is really nice, the price is much better than the alternatives and the service is good. Also the interior is kind of cozy. We usually order one of the big sets (40 sushis) for around 27 euros which is more than enough for two and you can take away the rest.Btw the entrance can be confusing. You will see a shop door in the corner from the street. Enter from there and on the right side you will see the restaurant.
Sushi Set
Worst sushi place I have ever been in Tallinn, service was unwelcoming and unattentive. Ordered Kioto makis and Asorti makis, which constantly fell apart and were tasteless. When asking for another plate, one of the staff didn't understand anything, shrug his shoulders, then took earbuds off and understood that he doesn't speak Estonian, so nice"..."
Sushi Set
Excellent food hidden away in Tallinn. At first wasn’t sure about the staff attitude but ended up getting along.
Hyun Lee
Sushi Set
not even close to sushi.the rice was undercooked (crunchy) yet mush at the same time.the fish smelled. also used salted fish on one of the rolls?so they failed with two critical components of sushi.
Janno Pokk
Sushi Set
Kahjuks väga halb kogemus.Mul oli sünnipäev ja tellisin suure sushi seti(40 tükki) koju.Restoranil on suured probleemid kojuveoga.Tüdruk rääkis telefonis ,et toit jõuab kohale ühe tunni jooksul.Me ootasime kolm tundi ja nelikümmend minutit.Me helistasime ise kolm korda ja küsisime,et millal jõuab kohale.Kogu aeg öeldi,et varsti.Mitte keegi ei vabandanud ja oli tunda,et teenindajal on ükskõik.Ma arvan,et restoran peaks võtma endale hea kulleri ja mitte rääkima kliendile,et see pole nende probleem.
Sushi Set
The sushi was ok, but a lot of cream cheese. But maybe that was our fault too. It was very dark while we were eating there, so maybe take away is better. The price was very good! Not expensive!!

Lisa Arvustus


Koidu 11, 10137 Tallinn
Sushi Set