SOL Laundromat Wash SelfService Maakri 23, 10145 Tallinn

SOL Laundromat Wash SelfService

33 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev08–20
  • neljapäev08–20
  • reede08–20
  • laupäev10–16
  • pühapäev10–16
  • esmaspäev08–20
  • teisipäev08–20

SOL Laundromat Wash SelfService Maakri 23, 10145 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Kinnisvara hooldus, korrashoid ja puhastusteenused - | SOL Baltics OÜ pakub äriklientidele kinnisvarahooldust, tehnosüsteemide hooldust, puhastusteenuseid ning välihooldust. Teeme koostööd edu saavutamiseks!


Helista meile
Maakri 23, 10145 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev08–20
  • neljapäev08–20
  • reede08–20
  • laupäev10–16
  • pühapäev10–16
  • esmaspäev08–20
  • teisipäev08–20


  • Kohapeal ostmine

Soovitatud Arvustused

Steve Hawker
SOL Laundromat Wash SelfService
A first rate laundry! The lady in charge asked us to load our washing into a machine and invited us to return a few hours later. When we returned, our washing was in a basket, cleaned and dried, ready for folding into our bags.
SOL Laundromat Wash SelfService
Good service, if you speak Russian it helps. The right entrance is for self service but you only have to fill the machine and they will later put it in the dryer
SOL Laundromat Wash SelfService
Washing machines close early at 16h already. They did not even put it on the website or here on maps. And then one hour before they won’t let you wash as if one hour was not enough to wash.
SOL Laundromat Wash SelfService
Стирка стоит €10 за 5кг одежды (кроссовки и рюкзаки стирать нельзя), сушка включена. Машину загружаете сами, а в сушилку уже перекладывает сотрудник.П.с. На сайте неправильный график работы – повезла два пакета в субботу, а стирка закрыта.
Alexandre CHUPIN
SOL Laundromat Wash SelfService
Opening hours determined by owners good will. Currently the website displays on Sunday closing hours at 4pm. Upon arrival the owner say to you « close ». Then the owners display to you on her mobile phone a message saying closing at 1pm. Disappointing since the only laundromat in Tallin’s town opened on Sunday’s.
Gary Guenther-Wright
SOL Laundromat Wash SelfService
We dumped a very full load in the first open machine, paid 11 Euros and were told to come back in three hours. The laundry detergent was added automatically by the washer-dryer hybrid. Three hours later our clean luandry was wanting for us in a basket. We could not have been more satisfied with the service.
Valérie Malaingre
SOL Laundromat Wash SelfService
Mot-clé français : #lavomatique.Lieu unique et indispensable dans Tallin pour le globe-trotteur.Un peu compliqué car les employées n'ont pas appris l'anglais à l'école, mais on se débrouille.Intéressant car on dépose son linge et on peut aller faire autre chose: elles le surveillent, le mettent dans le sèche-linge puis un panier => donc on peut aller faire autre chose pendant ce temps-là.
SOL Laundromat Wash SelfService
I could leave the clothes for the next day and I could pick them up before the arranged time. Very good service and friendly stuff. A big wash-mashine and dryer only 14€. Thank u very much!
John Potts
SOL Laundromat Wash SelfService
Great service. Wash and dry 9 euros. Most helpful employee, Lubach?, transferred our wash to dryer while we went to lunch. Great location close to old Town and major hotels.
SOL Laundromat Wash SelfService
Freaking crazy expensive laundry service in Central Europe - nearly double priced than in Western Europe. The worse part is the poor quality. The staff took my laundry out of the drying machine when it came to 6 pm, which was irresponsible

Lisa Arvustus


Maakri 23, 10145 Tallinn
SOL Laundromat Wash SelfService