Kinomaja Bar and Stage Uus 3, 10111 Tallinn

Kinomaja Bar and Stage

112 Arvustused

Kinomaja Bar and Stage Uus 3, 10111 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Kinomaja - Kinomaja |


Helista meile
Uus 3, 10111 Tallinn



  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Krediitkaardid
  • Deebetkaardid
  • NFC-mobiilimaksed
  • Sobib lastele
  • Restoran
  • Tualett
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav tualettruum
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetavad istekohad
  • LGBTQ+-sõbralik
  • Ohutu koht transseksuaalidele
  • Peresõbralik
  • Kohapeal on baar

Soovitatud Arvustused

kirill beljakov
Kinomaja Bar and Stage
Nice small and cozy club , nice choice of cocktails and very beautiful interior
Meeli Tali-Aruväli
Kinomaja Bar and Stage
Kui üritusest võtab osa üle 100 inimese, siis jääb koht väikseks ikkagi. Ruumis on vähe õhku ning valgustus on väga halb. Eriti jätab valgutus siis soovida, kui on tellitud cateringi teenus. Raske on näha mis toitu pakutakse, sest lihtsalt nii pime on. Ruumi seinad on kaetud musta riidega. Garderoob väike ja kitsas.Lava esinejate jaoks ok.
Maila Marika Kõiv
Kinomaja Bar and Stage
Ürituse alguseks oli piletil märgitud 19.00 Tegelikult algas 20.20.Vaiko Eplik ja Eliit.
Yevgeniy Onufrak
Kinomaja Bar and Stage
The best place for events. Professional staff and cozy atmosphere
Kristjan Kütaru
Kinomaja Bar and Stage
As a concert venue it works really well. The sound is great and while it is not a large place, for smaller concert up to a few hundres guess, it is quite fitting.If the bar queue is too long, there is also a second bar, but the service is also quite fast, so you are probably not too bothered about it.The prices are the Old Town prices, but on a normal level, not of the highest.
Martti Aru
Kinomaja Bar and Stage
Lava ootamas Kannabinõid kontserti
Kinomaja Bar and Stage
Very nice music club in the heart of Tallinn
Jozo S
Kinomaja Bar and Stage
Dusty little concert hall, perfect for smaller events. The beer prices are affordable, the service is friendly, and the toilets are clean.
Deus Vult
Kinomaja Bar and Stage
Saw Uada here, was good. Surprisingly good audio.
David Gyulbudaghyan
Kinomaja Bar and Stage
Great atmosphere, good service, bartender knows his cocktails, which is the most important thing. The venue wasnt designed for big live concerts but an occasional live music is a plus

Lisa Arvustus


Uus 3, 10111 Tallinn
Kinomaja Bar and Stage