Loodus BioSpa Tesmasan OÜ Loodusravikeskus Loodus BioSpa Tilga tee, Muri, 62208 Tartu maakond

Loodus BioSpa Tesmasan OÜ Loodusravikeskus Loodus BioSpa

34 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev09–18
  • neljapäev09–18
  • reede09–18
  • laupäev09–18
  • pühapäev09–18
  • esmaspäev09–18
  • teisipäev09–18

Loodus BioSpa Tesmasan OÜ Loodusravikeskus Loodus BioSpa Tilga tee, Muri, 62208 Tartu maakond

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Loodus BioSpa - Loodus BioSpa |


Helista meile
Tilga tee, Muri, 62208 Tartu maakond


  • kolmapäev09–18
  • neljapäev09–18
  • reede09–18
  • laupäev09–18
  • pühapäev09–18
  • esmaspäev09–18
  • teisipäev09–18


  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav tualettruum

Soovitatud Arvustused

Jelena Potapova
Loodus BioSpa Tesmasan OÜ Loodusravikeskus Loodus BioSpa
Я приезжаю в это прекрасное место уже шестой раз и каждый раз открываю для себя здесь что-то новое. В этот раз здесь появились новые люкс номера, новый зал для физкультуры, новые процедуры. Очень благодарна персоналу за их труд и старания для того, чтобы клиентам было более комфортно и интересно. Предлагаю всем хотя бы раз посетить этот центр. Здесь можно и похудеть, подышать свежим воздухом, набраться сил и энергии, просто отдохнуть от городской суеты. Спасибо!
Andrey Koshmanov
Loodus BioSpa Tesmasan OÜ Loodusravikeskus Loodus BioSpa
Wanted to leave on the 3rd day, but actually survived somehow - leaving tomorrow morning. No, there is no torturing here (up for debate), but quite a fee improvements will take the place to another level.First of all, let me tell you about good things. Most procedures are great and done by great and pleasant people. Separate kudos goes to the massage master (she knows her thing flawlessly), girl in the water procedure room (very friendly and polite), guy doing the water treatment procedures, lady checking your stats daily and cleaning lady. Another good thing is the outside - nice area with many walking paths. And another good thing is…well…can’t find one.The list of bad things is much bigger. Food is just horrific and it’s not even 1000 kcal they mentioned (I counted). No meat, no fish and no salt for the whole week! Anyone except for vegans know the meaning of balanced diet and that we need a bit of everything to stay healthy and to lose weight correctly. Here it’s all about losing water, not fat - that’s why your full body measurements are not taken again when the fun ends. They simply don’t want you to know that you lost water mostly. Another huge issue is information sharing based on lack of any sort of internal system/processes. Maybe writing notes by hand and sticking them on the whiteboard worked 20-30 years ago, but today it feels like a joke. That lack of information sharing can be applied to the staff. I asked for 3 massages, but 4th one was booked without asking me. Then my wife cancelled one procedure and the next day no one informed the biggest issue of the place - it’s administrator. She is very unprofessional, has no clue about politeness and extremely sensitive to any criticism towards herself, despite the fact that everyone around confirms that she screwed up. Again. And again. Only we had 4 or 5 cases we can use as examples. She also didn’t want to give us water when the one in the cooler was gone…which proves my “lass of system/processes” argument. I can talk about these screw ups the while day, but that won’t fix anything.What would though is replacing the administrator with someone if not younger, but at least more modern and friendly to people paying money for such questionable experience. Hell, I can fix all their issues in 2-3 days, but I’m from IT, not fish market.All in all I would love to come back when the place does something about their internal issues and incorrectly planned diet. Until then - Austria it is.
Alice Finn
Loodus BioSpa Tesmasan OÜ Loodusravikeskus Loodus BioSpa
Рекомендую всем этот центр!Была на программе диета - очистилась, скинула кг, появилась легкость . Приеду еще раз.Персонал очень приветливый - окутали вниманием, заботой, любовью… Спасибо отдельно повару -очень милая женщина.
Tatiana Albu
Loodus BioSpa Tesmasan OÜ Loodusravikeskus Loodus BioSpa
If you're searching for a retreat that offers the right combination of curative fasting and dieting, natural surroundings, indulgent massages, health and beauty treatments, a swimming pool, sauna, yoga and gentle workout classes, look no further than Loodus Bio Spa. This year marked my 4th or 5th visit at Loodus Bio Spa, and every time the trip is worth it.I especially want to highlight Dr. Natalia, who is an absolute gem. Her expertise and holistic approach helped me gain a deeper understanding of my health issues and develop a comprehensive plan to address them. Her guidance and support were invaluable to my journey towards better health.Each time I visit Loodus Bio Spa, I am greeted with a sense of serenity, home and tranquility. The environment created provides the perfect backdrop for renewal and rejuvenation.The massages at Loodus Bio Spa are truly exceptional. The expert therapists know exactly how to melt away tension and leave you feeling completely relaxed.In addition to the blissful massages, there is a wide range of health and some beauty treatments available to pamper your body from head to toe. From facials to body wraps, you'll feel refreshed and revitalized after indulging in these treatments.At Loodus Bio Spa, you'll discover an enchanting retreat hidden in the middle of nature. Allow yourself to be immersed in this oasis of wellness and experience the transformative benefits it offers. I'm already looking forward to my next visit!
kirke kool
Loodus BioSpa Tesmasan OÜ Loodusravikeskus Loodus BioSpa
Väga hea keskkond, kus enda tervist ja meeli turgutada. Personaal on professionaalne ja meeldiv. Kõik on käepärane ja mugav. Protseduure on palju, igaüks saab lähtuda oma tervisest ja enesetundes ning valida endale sobivad protseduurid lisaks kuuril pakutavatele. Loodus on imeilus. Keskkond toetab tervise eest hoolitsemise teekonda BioSpas suurepäraselt!
Kristina Taranovits
Loodus BioSpa Tesmasan OÜ Loodusravikeskus Loodus BioSpa
Ruumid olid ideaalselt puhtad. Kodune ja hubane atmosfäär. Asub kauni looduse keskel. Personal on hooliv ja professionaalne, pööravad tähelepanu detailidele. Loodud on kõik vajalikud tingimused, et mugavalt tugevdada tervist.
Diederik Knaapen
Loodus BioSpa Tesmasan OÜ Loodusravikeskus Loodus BioSpa
Fantastic experience! The staff is very professional, kind and helpful. The renovated rooms are clean, comfortable, and offer the cozy feeling of home. If you're considering to go for either detoxing, fasting or dieting, do it here. You won't be disappointed and come out as reborn, both physically as well as mentally. Keep up the great work, and thank you again for an amazing week!
Inessa Galante
Loodus BioSpa Tesmasan OÜ Loodusravikeskus Loodus BioSpa
We all know the importance of taking care of our health.Me, being an active creative person, time to time need to slow down and spend time alone with myself and my health. I need only a week in the naturopathic center of special treatments developed by Dr. Natalia Trofimova to feel much better.I am grateful to Dr. Trofimova for an individual approach to each visitor, a lot of my friends follow my recommendations for years to visit the clinic and feel so good after the variety of procedures and the composing with a special detox program. After a week of rest and relaxation at the naturopathic center, I always feel better and have the energy to carry out all the projects I have planned.
Viorica Cara
Loodus BioSpa Tesmasan OÜ Loodusravikeskus Loodus BioSpa
I went there for the health benefits of assisted fasting. What I got out was that and more. In the 7 days I was there my body relaxed but most importantly my mind relaxed. Not even a 2 week vacation at the beach leaves me this relaxed. I was in total zen. It has to be a combination of all the cleansing the body is doing, the super fresh air, and the amazing service at the spa. Fasting can be draining on some days and I am grateful to all the staff for all their care and attention during those moments. I didn't even have to say I feel weak"
Loodus BioSpa Tesmasan OÜ Loodusravikeskus Loodus BioSpa
Мы подарили бабушке поездку в этот спа. На сайте написано, что это для здоровья хорошо! Бабушка там чуть не умерла. Она у нас спортивная и активная. Первые дня пока было нормально. Там отличный массаж и хорошие процедуры есть. Но еды не было никакой. У нее была программа по очищению. Ей давали пить соль какую-то от которой ее начало тошнить. Сказали, так бывает. На второй день бабушке было намного хуже. Опять никакой реакции от персонала. Потом, когда мы начали звонить и требовать вызвать скорую бабушке сделали укол об остановке рвотного рефлекса. Прием врача был платный, который мы заказали дополнительно, что процедуры и лечение было согласовано с врачем. НО Доктор Трофимова вела себя как торговый агент по продаже биодовабок, ей не было никакого дела о состояние здоровья человека. НЕ РЕКОМЕНДУЕМ НИКОМУ. Будем писать в общество защиты прав потребителей. Пусть разбираются насколько это вообще все легально. Такие эксперименты надо здоровьем людей делать, а потом врачам лечить. Там у бабушки поднялся сахар до 10, никогда не было такого. В 70 лет давать пить только одни смути - это очень странное дело. Очень переживаем за бабушку и надо проверять все места до поездки. Теперь будем ее лечить у семейного врача. Вот такое оздоровление.

Lisa Arvustus


Tilga tee, Muri, 62208 Tartu maakond
Loodus BioSpa Tesmasan OÜ Loodusravikeskus Loodus BioSpa