Next Fertility Nordic Veerenni 51, 10138 Tallinn

Next Fertility Nordic

33 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev09–17
  • neljapäev09–17
  • reede09–17
  • laupäevSuletud
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev09–17
  • teisipäev09–17

Next Fertility Nordic Veerenni 51, 10138 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Fertility Clinic – Personal solutions - Next Fertility Nordic | Infertility treatment, treatment with donor gametes. Personal treatment options, modern technology, cooperation of specialists – a holistic solution


Helista meile
Veerenni 51, 10138 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev09–17
  • neljapäev09–17
  • reede09–17
  • laupäevSuletud
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev09–17
  • teisipäev09–17


  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav lift
  • Tualett
  • Uute patsientide valstuvõtmine

Soovitatud Arvustused

Next Fertility Nordic
My husband and I traveled from the US to seek help with our fertility issue and after doing three unsuccessful rounds of treatment at a local clinic in Colorado, working with Next Fertility Nordic was a godsend and a gulp of fresh air. Needless to say, as foreigners in Estonia we were apprehensive about the language gap and the level of service but from day one, we were put at ease by the professionalism, compassion and knowledge of the entire staff at the clinic. Samantha, the embryologist, was amazing in helping put together all the necessary information even before arrival into the country, always timely in her responses and forthcoming in getting the answers. Working with her before and after coming to Estonia made my experience as an aspiring would-be-mother so much easier and put my mind at ease knowing how much the entire staff was so caring about patients. Inna, as part of the donor team, was very instrumental in helping us with donor selection and her one-on-one sessions helped me overcome the emotional and psychological aspects of the ordeal. Dr. Siiak, the andrologist, worked with my husband to increase the chances of a successful treatment and is very knowledgeable in his field. His input affected the quality of the sperm sample used for the final procedure and undeniably played role in the successful outcome of the treatment. Dr. Aluri was present in every major procedure including, ultimately the transfer, and with her guidance and oversight I can happily say that I'm currently pregnant. Unlike in the US, where in most cases major steps of the treatment are performed by nurses, Dr. Aluri performed all procedures personally which attests to the level of care and professionalism of Next Fertility Nordic. Although, we paid out of pocket - the cost of the treatment is cheaper than that in the United States but more importantly, patients receive true care of the highest quality with increased chances of success. My husband and I feel very fortunate to have found this clinic and experienced first-hand the personalized attention, compassion and ultimately, professionalism that any couple deserves in their quest to become parents. We highly recommend Next Fertility Nordic to anyone from overseas seeking fertility treatment because every person from administrative staff, lab worker to the doctors are there to help you achieve your dream of becoming parents.
Aleksandr Kovalenko
Next Fertility Nordic
Здравствуйте.Возьму на себя смелость как первый мужчина оставляющий отзыв на клинику. Для мужчин тема плодородия очень деликатная и малопопулярная пока в отношениях дело не дойдёт до детей.МОЙ ОПЫТ:Начну с того, что моя спутница является донором яйцеклеток и посоветовала мне попробовать донорство семени. Так я и сделал.Первая сдача бесплатна и тебе приходят результаты по почте и пишут результаты.Моё семя к сожалению не подошло по параметрам концентрации, морфологии и подвижности. Это говорит о том, что что-то не сбалансировано в организме. Поэтому я очень рад, что узнал об этом заранее. Лучше задуматься над предотвращением болезней заранее, чем потом бороться с разными болезнями например бесплодием, снижением либидо или еще хуже- импотенцией. В этой же клинике я записался к андрологу, сдал анализы и начал лечение.Я советую молодым мужчинам записаться на донорство семени в этой клинике. Если качество семени подходит, то вы можете быть донором и получить вознаграждение от донорства. А если не подойдёт, то вы сможете записаться к андрологу и выяснить проблемы со здоровьем о которых раньше не задумывались.Что касается персонала клиники, то все добродушные и отвечают на все твои вопросы.Расположение удобное, есть парковка.Здание новое. Оборудование новое и современное.Были конечно недопонимания с персоналом, но ничего критичного. Я думаю со временем персонал будет лучше друг с другом коммуницировать и всё наладится.Цены терпимые, но я не думаю что на здоровье нужно экономить.
Anu Luik
Next Fertility Nordic
My doctor Tiina Utera was a fantastic communicator, she had a professional approach and she made me feel relaxed and comfortable. Everything was explained thoroughly and professionally by Tiina so there would not be any misunderstandings. A really absolutely positive experience and I highly recommend this clinic.
Mrs. B
Next Fertility Nordic
Our experience so far has been amazing. All the staff are very attentitive, you can feel they care. They are professional, friendly and honestly it's just been an amazing experience from the very beginning. Would highly recommend!
Laura Busch
Next Fertility Nordic
Ämmaemand Tiina Untera oli siiralt tore ja muutis terve kogemuse kordades mugavamaks! Aitäh!
Helen Ling
Next Fertility Nordic
Soovitan! Väga soe ja hooliv personal. Ja täna on meil nüüd kodus pisike preili kasvamas♥️
Inessa Zaitseva
Next Fertility Nordic
Väga soe ja tore personaal. Põhjalik konsultatsioon.
Edyta Jan
Next Fertility Nordic
Recommended. Each person on the clinic team performs their tasks with full commitment. Starting with dr. Aruli, Eerika, nurses, coordinators, administrators. You always get help and competent answers to specific questions. I definitely recommend the clinic.
Talvi Nõlvak
Next Fertility Nordic
Külastasin esimest korda seoses emakakaelavähi sõeluuringuga ja see oli väga positiivne. Administraator andis kohe infot kuhu saab panna üleriided ja kus asub WC, nii ei pidanud ise leiutama ja uurima-otsima hakkama. Ämmaemand kelle vastuvõtule läksin (Kelli Kade) oli samuti väga asjalik ning jagas täiendavat infot protseduuri kohta ning ka üleüldise naisterahva tervise jälgimise kohta.

Lisa Arvustus


Veerenni 51, 10138 Tallinn
Next Fertility Nordic