Kaunis Maja OÜ Hobujaama 4, 10151 Tallinn

Kaunis Maja OÜ

12 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev10–17
  • neljapäev10–17
  • reede10–17
  • laupäevSuletud
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev10–17
  • teisipäev10–17

Kaunis Maja OÜ Hobujaama 4, 10151 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Kaunis Maja OÜ - Kinnisvarabüroo asukohas Tallinn |


Helista meile
Hobujaama 4, 10151 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev10–17
  • neljapäev10–17
  • reede10–17
  • laupäevSuletud
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev10–17
  • teisipäev10–17


  • Kohapeal pakutavad teenused
  • Broneering on nõutud
  • Veebikohtumised on saadaval

Soovitatud Arvustused

Niko Porkka
Kaunis Maja OÜ
Kaunis Maja is a very professional and friendly broker service that I can very much recommend.
Anya Primakova
Kaunis Maja OÜ
Спасибо Вам за все, за Вашу заботу и за удачную продажу квартиры.
Andrus Tammann
Kaunis Maja OÜ
Maakler Maria Kopso ületas oma professionaalsusega kõiki Temale pandud ootusi, korteri müük toimus kiiresti ja Maria selgitused ning toimingud olid arusaadavad.Soovitan soojalt kõigil kinnisvara tehingute tegelevatel pöörduda Maria poole.Tänan veelkord !
Thorsten Schulte
Kaunis Maja OÜ
In August I relocated from Germany to Estonia. First me personally, later my family. During my first stay in Estonia I have met Ms. Kopso when searching for a flat. Of all the broker I had contact to she was the most professional regarding response time and response quality. At the end we have decided to take the flat Ms. Kopso was offering. Since I am a foreigner I had many questions regarding law, common behaviors and more. All were answered to my full satisfaction.Because of ongoing Covid-issues the hand-over was scheduled on a Saturday which Ms. Kopso had to concerns with. Even though everything was done regarding her business she kept supporting me regarding the relocation of my family and some mandatory forms for the local offices. I cannot express my gratitude enough. Compared to all the experiences I had with brokers in Germany as well as in Estonia. Ms. Kopso is by far the best one and she always has an answer. Thank you very much!
Kaunis Maja OÜ
Ei tööta kliendi huvides, on kättesaamatu
Leesa DeVantier
Kaunis Maja OÜ
I could not have asked for a more professional, swift, friendly and helpful person than Maria. Her kindness and advice helped the process of my move to be not only smooth but also welcoming. All costs and obligations were explained clearly, paperwork available in English and the process completed without hassle. Without a doubt I would recommend anyone looking to move to Tallinn engages her services.

Lisa Arvustus


Hobujaama 4, 10151 Tallinn
Kaunis Maja OÜ