35FIT Gonsiori 33, 10147 Tallinn


42 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev07–21
  • neljapäev07–21
  • reede07–21
  • laupäev09–19
  • pühapäev09–19
  • esmaspäev07–21
  • teisipäev07–21

35FIT Gonsiori 33, 10147 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

35FIT | AI Gym | Tallinn |


Helista meile
Gonsiori 33, 10147 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev07–21
  • neljapäev07–21
  • reede07–21
  • laupäev09–19
  • pühapäev09–19
  • esmaspäev07–21
  • teisipäev07–21


  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs

Soovitatud Arvustused

Ivan Leite
Ótima academia para quem não tem muito tempo, com séries de exercícios rápidas e eficazes.O Sistema automatizado de se fazer os exercícios também ajuda na evolução da atividade física.Muito boa academia!
Martijn Hensen
Very professional team. Good trainers and coaching.
Katherina Koovit
Väga moodne ja puhas spordisaal. Alati on olnud võimalik kohe trenni teha. Teenindus on väga meeldiv. Uue ajastu spordisaal - väga high tech :)
Pauline S
First of all I need to outline that the equipment is fun to train with. Milon circle training is a great invention. However, 35fit is poorly managed.I had my trial training which was with a friendly instructor and I was happy!However, when I wanted to sign up, the issues started. I bought the summer offer for 35€/month trough stebby. The stebby description states, that you need an account with 35fit’s website, however it does not mention that you also need to enter the same contract through their website and can only then redeem the stebby ticket. This resulted in an extremely rude and incompetent email exchange with 35Fit’s team and I needed to return my stebby ticket ans make a new contract now at a regular price of 65€/month. No apology whatsoever was made. A fair game would be to still offer me that one month at 35€ since I had bought the stebby ticket and the description from the side was lacking.When I returned to the gym for the first time to collect my bracelet, I was greeted by an unfriendly staff member. I asked for my bracelet and he just pointed at it on the table. I was not given any instructions, or even ask if I have any questions etc.Throughout my first training I did indeed have questions: what machine do I start on, and how do I know my circle training is complete?On my second training my bracelet did not allow me to enter and the log in on some machines did not work, on others it did. However, this time round no staff at all was around.On my third training the same story - no staff at all was to be found. This is also a major safety risk in my eyes.I also need to add that the gym currently apparently has summer opening times and only opens at 8am and not 7am.All in all I am happy with the equipment, but if I could find it elsewhere I would certainly try out another gym.UPDATE: this morning I went to visit the gym at 7am. I assumed summer opening times are over since I booked a circle training at 7am. However the gym was closed and neither phone number was available. One of the reasons I booked this gym was so that I can work out before going to work. This is for an indefinite amount of time not possible now.At a cost of 65€/month, this is beyond unacceptable.
Ekaterina D
Очень круто! Была на бесплатной пробной тренировке. Чисто, уютно, технологично. Советую хотя бы попробовать!
MIRRA Tallinn
Наисовременейший, эксклюзивный спорт клуб. Уютно, чисто, профессиональный, высококвалифицированный персонал, новое оборудованиеБонус инфракрасная сауна.
Anastassia Kozlova
Очень интересный, чистый и современный тренажерный зал, мне кажется отлично подойдет новичкам или тем кто особо не знаком с тренажерами. Высокоинтенсивные тренировки замечательно сэкономят время! И бонусом - малолюдно.мне для полного счастья не хватило разнообразия в тренировках и бассейна/сауны
Kristina Volmer
Leping oli lõppetatud 2019 aastal, oktoobris 2021 sain kirja 35FIT-st, et mul on mingi võlg 8€. Tuli välja, et nad ei võtnud 8€ Sport ID maha 2019 aastas. Kohutav kohemus, kui inimesed ei tee oma tööd korralikult ja selle pärast tekkib võlg, mis tuleb neile meelde 3 aasta pärast. Ei soovita.
Aleksandr Fomenko
Отличное место для фитнеса, привести себя в тонус. Отзывчивый и приветливый персонал

Lisa Arvustus


Gonsiori 33, 10147 Tallinn