Soviet Statue Graveyard Pirita tee 56e, 12011 Tallinn

Soviet Statue Graveyard

20 Arvustused

Soviet Statue Graveyard Pirita tee 56e, 12011 Tallinn

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Pirita tee 56e, 12011 Tallinn



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Soovitatud Arvustused

Martin Kaule
Soviet Statue Graveyard
Ein spannendes Projekt! Auf dem Museumsareal sind zahlreiche Statuen aus der kommunistischen Zeit ausgestellt. Informationstafeln informieren und ordnen ein. Sehr gut gemacht!
Susie M
Soviet Statue Graveyard
Good information boards that contextualise the statues and show where they were in the city. The statues themselves are very impressive and domineering.
Terence Collard Sánchez
Soviet Statue Graveyard
Super petit jardin derrière le musée du film. On y trouve des statues déboulonnées de Lénine et de Staline. J’ai adoré !
Robert Hendrickson
Soviet Statue Graveyard
The Soviet Statue Graveyard in Tallinn, Estonia, is a powerful and moving site that serves as a testament to the importance of remembrance. What's particularly incredible is that the Estonian people have chosen to preserve this dark chapter of their history, rather than erase it from memory. It's not on any mainstream guidebook, but it's easily accessible by a short Uber ride or bus. The site is a must-visit for anyone interested in the region's history, and the nearby communism victim memorial is equally poignant. Together, these sites offer a sobering reminder of the cost of totalitarian regimes.
Sabrina Palmucci
Soviet Statue Graveyard
Assolutamente da visitare per importanza storica
Gabriel Touhouwan
Soviet Statue Graveyard
C'était génial. Depuis 2019, les statues qui étaient nonchalamment empilées les unes sur les autres depuis leur démantèlement à la chute de L'URSS ont été remises en état avec un panneau explicatif. Fait rare: il y en a une de Staline intacte, ce qui, pour celles d'époque, se compte sur les doigt de deux mains.
Paul O'Sullivan
Soviet Statue Graveyard
It's part of the history museum complex but it's outdoor so if you only want to see the statues you don't have to pay. A collection of impressive soviet statues that were removed at the start of the 90s. Thankfully have found a home. Easy to get to from town. Bus stops right outside
Adrian Cusniriuc
Soviet Statue Graveyard
Definitely worth the walk from city center to see a proper piece of soviet history

Lisa Arvustus


Pirita tee 56e, 12011 Tallinn
Soviet Statue Graveyard