Lastemuuseum Miiamilla L. Koidula 21C, 10127 Tallinn

Lastemuuseum Miiamilla

514 Arvustused

Lastemuuseum Miiamilla L. Koidula 21C, 10127 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Lastemuuseum Miiamilla – Tallinna Linnamuuseum |


Helista meile
L. Koidula 21C, 10127 Tallinn



  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Sobib lastele
  • Restoran
  • Tualett

Soovitatud Arvustused

Hiruni Gunaratne
Lastemuuseum Miiamilla
Quite small museum, but it's very attractive with lots of old toys for kids to explore. You can play with toys not just look at them.
john edwards
Lastemuuseum Miiamilla
Check out the small pancakesWe have no small children we only went for the pancakes there fab good coffee to
Kadri Kooser
Lastemuuseum Miiamilla
Väga vägev koht, kuhu oma lasteaiaealise lapsega minna. Seal on nii vanu mänguasju kui ka uusi, lastel juba igav ei hakka. Samas majas on ka kohvik, kus saab rahulikult einestada.
Erle Kivilo
Lastemuuseum Miiamilla
Juba uksel võetakse Sind Miiamillas vastu ülimalt soojalt ja sõbralikult. Siin leiavad tegevust nii pisikesed põngerjad mängutoas hullates, juba asjalikumad tegelased erinevaid päriselu tegevusi läbi mängides ning suuremad lapsed koostegevusi nautides. Lahkudes jääd lisaks vahvale muuseumile kindlasti ka Miiamilla ägedat ja rõõmsamelset peret taga igatsema - no ja sellepärast tulebki peagi taas tagasi tulla.
Liis Pitkanen
Lastemuuseum Miiamilla
Great museum, cafe and playarea for kids up to 5-6 years but older ones can find activities too. Everything is very clean and neat. Service was friendly. Also some souvenires, plays, toys available to buy. Outside a great playground for all age kids. I would reccomend to go when you are a tourist with smaller kids or just looking a place to spend time with children. Museum floor is heated (play area not) so kids can play on the ground and not feel cold. All area is shoes free. Had a great day there with my 1 year old daugther and friends. Cafe offers also very reasonalbe selection of cakes, pies, cafes, drinks, snacks and some soup. Overall a lovely place!
Jette Moilanen
Lastemuuseum Miiamilla
Suurepärane koht lastega koos mängimiseks ja uudistamiseks.küsige kassast lastele otsimismänge.Neid on 7 erinevat ja lastele väga meeldis.
m k
Lastemuuseum Miiamilla
I would not call this place a museum, more like children's indoor play area with few museum style toys as well as climbing and playing area. It is also very small (2-3 rooms) and if you are coming with a buggy, there is no space so you need to leave it outside. (They do provide a lock if you want to lock it). If you are coming on a busy day, the front area where you need to leave your shoes becomes a sea of shoes to get through. I would really not call this place a museum to avoid a disappointment from museum expecting visitors. Staff are very nice, helpful and friendly.
Wouter Leistra
Lastemuuseum Miiamilla
Me and my 6 year old daughter went here to escape the scorging heat on a summer day. She loved it. We played shopkeeper, cloth maker, postman and we had a hunt for butterflies and did some handicrafts under guidance of a very nice and helpful young lady of the staff.
Kerti Alev
Lastemuuseum Miiamilla
Superb place to bring your kids: inside or outside! Also has cafeteria ;)

Lisa Arvustus


L. Koidula 21C, 10127 Tallinn
Lastemuuseum Miiamilla