Retroteek Baar, Karaoke Kaubamaja 8, 10143 Tallinn

Retroteek Baar, Karaoke

380 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev19–03
  • neljapäev19–03
  • reede20–04
  • laupäev20–04
  • pühapäev19–03
  • esmaspäev19–03
  • teisipäev19–03

Retroteek Baar, Karaoke Kaubamaja 8, 10143 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Retroteek | Retroteek, Tallinn, Estonia. 1.6K likes · 1,099 were here. Shine Bright like a diamond! Our KARAOKE gives you an opportunity to be the Star of the night....


Helista meile
Kaubamaja 8, 10143 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev19–03
  • neljapäev19–03
  • reede20–04
  • laupäev20–04
  • pühapäev19–03
  • esmaspäev19–03
  • teisipäev19–03


  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Krediitkaardid
  • Kohaletoomine
  • Deebetkaardid
  • NFC-mobiilimaksed
  • Maksmine ainult sularahas
  • WiFi
  • Tualett
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav tualettruum
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetavad istekohad
  • LGBTQ+-sõbralik
  • Esinemised
  • Kaasaostmine
  • Kohapeal söömine
  • Elav muusika
  • Alkohol
  • Kange alkohol
  • Kokteilid
  • Vein
  • Õlu
  • Hubane
  • Lihtne
  • Sobib gruppidele
  • Võtab vastu reserveeringuid
  • Head kokteilid
  • Toit
  • Karaoke
  • Tantsimine
  • Toit baaris

Soovitatud Arvustused

John Richard
Retroteek Baar, Karaoke
Pretty cool but so incredibly warm. No ventilation or air conditioning or they were not turned on despite everybody being super warm. Also it took forever to queue for the bar.
Esmee Mangoensoewito
Retroteek Baar, Karaoke
Place looks fun and ambiance is good, but when you come to a karaokebar with a group you want to do karaoke. The first song we requested came in the top 5 upcoming songs after 1,5 hours (after another requested song came a little bit earlier?) and even then we saw it dropping from second till third. We sang our one song and left. If you’re going to be a karaokebar , you’ll have to let everyone do karaoke and not just the same two people that come there all the time.
Kerli H
Retroteek Baar, Karaoke
Tänan teeninduse eest pikemat noormeest Lukast (küsisin ta nime ja ta ütles).Lauad olid kõik kinni ja väike, ebaviisakas noormees käskis mujale baari minna, et ei istuks baarileti ääres (enda nime ta ei olnud nõus ütlema ja üleüldiselt oli väga ebaviisaka olemisega ( justkui, et miks te tulete siia, ta tahaks ammu koju minna) ja ei tahtnud ka adekvaatsetele inimestele jooke müüa. Pikem noormees (Vist Lukasenimeline), lahendas olukorra, aga kas baari eesmärk on raha teenida või inimesi baarist välja ajada? Ei ole rahul väikese jämeda mehe suhtumisega inimestesse, kes soovivad oma raha teie baaris kulutada.
Lorenz Ernits
Retroteek Baar, Karaoke
I was trying to help a friend who was too drunk and they kicked me out. Unreasonable people, do not recommend.
jamie foster
Retroteek Baar, Karaoke
Amazing karaoke bar. Great fun with locals. Download the app, create an acct and sign up for a song to sing. Grab some drinks and tip the bartenders!
Artem Tiurin
Retroteek Baar, Karaoke
Very xenophobic staff. The barmen took our drinks (we payed for them before in the bar) and refused to speak with us in English in conflict situation because we don’t Estonian (before we talked in Russia before). The barmen insulted us. We sent a complaint to the consumer rights department
Lucía Díaz Martín
Retroteek Baar, Karaoke
It's a fun bar if you're looking for a place to hang out that's on the cheaper side, while singin along to some old times hits. But sometimes, depending on the crowd, the atmosphere can get a bit dodgy... It's like a place-to-go for some of those people who really don't know how to handle their alcohol.
Jana Krištanová
Retroteek Baar, Karaoke
Karaoke place with no private rooms, just one room for everyone. There is no possibility of reservation, so whoever comes first, takes a table. Ordering of drinks happens at the bar and you pay right after ordering.Karaoke system has a bit older interface, but it works. It's a website on which you browse the songs, choose some and then wait for an approval of staff. What I didn't get was in which order were the approved songs making it to the list. Sometimes it took few songs to get to mine, sometimes the chosen song played right as the next one after the currently played one. It's hard to prepare for the song like that and e.g. not to go to toilet at the wrong time, which happened to me.
Jaan Eerik Sõmermaa
Retroteek Baar, Karaoke
Cozy hole in the wall with a nice atmosphere. Great selection of tracks and comfortable chairs. Only problem is the pretty expensive drinks but other than that it's wonderful.
Retroteek Baar, Karaoke
This is the worst place! , the bartenders will always play the song of their friends first and they put your song down. You can see how your song suddenly drops couple of levels and it's very unfair!

Lisa Arvustus


Kaubamaja 8, 10143 Tallinn
Retroteek Baar, Karaoke