Sarapiku pood Tallinna 14, Kuressaare, 93819 Saare maakond

Sarapiku pood

23 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev10–17
  • neljapäev10–17
  • reede10–17
  • laupäev10–14
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev10–17
  • teisipäev10–17

Sarapiku pood Tallinna 14, Kuressaare, 93819 Saare maakond

Ettevõtte kohta

Sarapiku - meriinovillast tooted, kingiideed ja käsitöö | Päris asjad. Päris villast. Ainult naturaalsed materjalid, kõrge kvaliteet, lihtne disain. Just nende põhimõtete järgi on loodud kõik Sarapiku pakutav.


Helista meile
Tallinna 14, Kuressaare, 93819 Saare maakond


  • kolmapäev10–17
  • neljapäev10–17
  • reede10–17
  • laupäev10–14
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev10–17
  • teisipäev10–17


  • Poodi järeletulemine
  • Kohapeal ostmine
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Krediitkaardid
  • Deebetkaardid
  • NFC-mobiilimaksed
  • Tänaval kättesaamine

Soovitatud Arvustused

Priit Vaik
Sarapiku pood
Väga meeldiv interjöör, suurepärana vastuvõtt pererahva poolt ja imelised tooted.
Василий Авикайнен
Sarapiku pood
Hea valik, palju huvitavaid asju, omanik on väga sõbralik, teenindus on kõrge taseme peal.
Sarapiku pood
Sarapiku is a very stylish and quirky shop offering various high-quality products handcrafted locally by the owners and sourced from outside, with a strong focus on quality. The fabrics used, mainly merino wool or cashmere, make their products stand out in comparison to popular high street shops.If you are looking for quality, this boutique is definitely worth visiting. Additionally, there is a nice selection of souvenirs, making this place perfect if you are looking for gifts or wish to buy something as a memorable from your holidays here on the island. We would highly recommend a visit, and you certainly won't be disappointed.We were searching for a nice shop in Kuressaare, and luckily, on our last day, just by coincidence, we came across Sarapiku. The owner we met in the shop was extremely helpful and explained a lot about the selection of products and also life on the island, which made our visit more than just a typical shopping experience. The good vibes and the overall atmosphere in the shop was exceptional, and we rate this shop definitely highly.
Keiri Jaadla
Sarapiku pood
Suurepärane koht kingituste leidmiseks nii endale kui ka lähedastele! Soovitan!
Kaspar Lepik
Sarapiku pood
Quality wool products really soft to touch, liked the style of store, and a happy shopkeeper.
Tanel Kukk
Sarapiku pood
Stylish boutique offering some good quality woolen clothing and accessories (merino, cashmere).Personnel is very helpful and kind!

Lisa Arvustus


Tallinna 14, Kuressaare, 93819 Saare maakond
Sarapiku pood