Kiropraktik Allan Oolo Pärnu mnt. 139C, 11317 Tallinn

Kiropraktik Allan Oolo

23 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev10–17
  • neljapäev10–17
  • reede10–17
  • laupäevSuletud
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev10–17
  • teisipäev10–17

Kiropraktik Allan Oolo Pärnu mnt. 139C, 11317 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Kiropraktik Tallinn | Kiropraktika ja valuravi kliinik Tallinn, Eesti | Mitte kirurgiline valuravi - 36 aastat manuaalmeditsiinis. Tule kiropraktik, osteopaat,trigenist dr.Oolo vastuvõtule: + 372 621 4797, Pärnu mnt 139C,Tallinn


Helista meile
Pärnu mnt. 139C, 11317 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev10–17
  • neljapäev10–17
  • reede10–17
  • laupäevSuletud
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev10–17
  • teisipäev10–17


  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Tualett
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav tualettruum

Soovitatud Arvustused

Eridas Jürimaa
Kiropraktik Allan Oolo
Kahjuks läks asi hullemaks ja selle raha eest 100€ ning käskis veel 5x tulla! Ohh jahh
Justin Rozen
Kiropraktik Allan Oolo
Krista Soots-Marchildon
Kiropraktik Allan Oolo
I think Dr. Oolo is a wizard. I had very bad knee pain - something in the back of my knee, I didn't know what - joint? cartilage? veins? - for about 6 months. It was such a bad problem that often I would have to stop walking, and right on the sidewalk sort of shake my leg to try and recombobulate whatever was out of place, or just sore, behind my knee.Finally I consulted Dr. Oolo - having little faith, really, that this strange problem could be solved.He worked on it for a few minutes (actually to be honest it hurt like hell at a couple of points) but afterwards it seemed much better. But even the next day the pain was still there at times. However, by the end of the week the pain was totally gone, walking was natural and pain-free - and this was about 6 months ago, so I am confident that, in the 4-5 minutes of treatment, Dr. Oolo's brilliant hands totally rearranged what was out of whack there, crippling me in the soft tissue behind my knee.I would recommend him without qualification - seriously, he's gifted, he's a healer.
Russell Adjekwei
Kiropraktik Allan Oolo
Dr Allan Oolo is one of a kind when it comes to pain treatment. He is the only Doctor in the world that I know who can treat chronic frozen shoulder condition in a matter of a few hours! His Trigenics pain treatment method is also one of a kind in the world.
Gordon Giberti (Gordio)
Kiropraktik Allan Oolo
Olen juba mitu korda kiropraktikut näinud, mitte paljud neist pole head! enamasti on need šarlatanid, aga seda ma pole kunagi varem midagi sellist näinud, Eestis on hinnad üldiselt madalamad kui Prantsusmaal ja Inglismaal, maksin 100 € / 30min asjatu eest !! ei soovita !!! Tasumine, et tchat onOlen pettunud!I have been seeing a chiropractic several times, not many of them are good ! most of the time those are charlatans, but that one I’d never seen any like that before, prices in Estonia are generally lower than in France and England, I paid 100 € / 30min for nothing !! not recommended !!! Paying to having tchatI am disappointed !
Ülar Vinni
Kiropraktik Allan Oolo
Amazing experience! About 1,5 years ago I started to have symptoms like facial muscle contractions, fasciculations all over the body (mostly in legs), tinnitus, etc. Got no relief to the symptoms before going to him. Already on my first visit to Dr. Oolo, he suspected that I have facial dystonia caused by TMJ disorder and when I read about it, it really seemed to match the description of the symptoms.I have started to feel much better since starting my treatment in his clinic. Highly recommend him to people who are having similar health issues to mine.
Karl Madis
Kiropraktik Allan Oolo
Hindamatu abi!

Lisa Arvustus


Pärnu mnt. 139C, 11317 Tallinn
Kiropraktik Allan Oolo