Sushiro Kesklinn Viru 13-15, 10111 Tallinn

Sushiro Kesklinn

44 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev17–00
  • neljapäev17–00
  • reede17–00
  • laupäev17–00
  • pühapäev17–00
  • esmaspäev17–00
  • teisipäev17–00

Sushiro Kesklinn Viru 13-15, 10111 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Sushiro Vanalinn | Wolt | Kohaletoomine | Tallinn | Vaata menüüd ja telli kohe | Top notch sushi


Helista meile
Viru 13-15, 10111 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev17–00
  • neljapäev17–00
  • reede17–00
  • laupäev17–00
  • pühapäev17–00
  • esmaspäev17–00
  • teisipäev17–00


  • Krediitkaardid
  • Kohaletoomine
  • Sobib lastele
  • Kontaktivaba kohaletoimetamine
  • Kaasaostmine
  • Kohapeal söömine
  • Kohv
  • Väikesed portsjonid
  • Lõunasöök
  • Õhtusöök
  • Lihtne

Soovitatud Arvustused

N.D. Y.
Sushiro Kesklinn
May 2023 (1/5 stars)The worst sushi place in Estonia. Firstly, this place has kept photos of its old location but it now located in Lasnamae, a Russian neighborhood near T1 mall. It was located behind a gate with a locked chain, located on the third floor of a hidden building in the back of a lot, far from the street. After you figure out the building to go to, you have have to enter a dark, unlit building, climb 2 flights of stairs up a sketchy dark, unlit stairway, to make it to a dark kitchen where a Russian man (who only speaks Russian — zero English, zero Estonian) simply gestures to a bag, repeatedly. The sushi is absurdly expensive for what you get. It was €15 euros for 8 of the smallest pieces of sushi I have ever seen, with some old, tiny pieces of fish. I have eaten sushi for years in NYC, LA, etc. and in Estonia as well. This was just weird. Please read the other recent reviews and look at the pictures below. Sinep squeeze bottle for size reference.Pretty sure that this place is a scam and will shut down after scamming enough people.——————-March 2022 (5 stars)One of the sushi restaurants in Tallinn with the best vegan sushi options. We highly recommend their cucumber, avocado, tofu and carrot vegan sushi options.Wolt makes this a very viable and convenient option for us, no matter where we are staying. Sometimes, I have it delivered to Hotel Schnelli, by the train station, so I can meet my delivery person right before boarding a train!
Carmen Dementjev
Sushiro Kesklinn
I loved the food and atmosphere :). Will visit again for sure
Sushiro Kesklinn
Необычно стильное заведение с очень вкусными суши :) В этом ресторане присутствует своя особенная атмосфераВход через небольшой сувенирный магазинчик
Illar Tammekand
Sushiro Kesklinn
Odav ja head sushid.Koha leidmisega on inimestel probleeme.
Sushiro Kesklinn
Wir mussten sehr lange auf unser Sushi warten. 1 Std. Und 10 Minuten.Das Sushi war jedoch lecker. Wir hatten auf Grund der extrem langen Wartezeit jedoch einen BärenhungerDer Eingang ist sehr schwierig zu finden. Man muss durch den Souvenirshop, um via Treppe ins Restaurant zu gelangen.Leider war die Bedienung auch ziemlich überfordert, obwohl das Lokal nur halbvoll war. So mussten wir selbstständig die Menükarte holen und nach 15 Minuten gingen wir zur Kasse, um unser Essen dort direkt zu bestellen, da niemand unsere Bestelljng aufnehmen kam.
Kristel Külmallik
Sushiro Kesklinn
It used to be one of the best sushi places, but after it changed locations the quality went downhill. It’s location is a little sketchy and the sushi tastes horrible now. It’s pricey and not worth it.
Kristo Vaher
Sushiro Kesklinn
They are usually quite good, but it seems that they either changed sushi chefs or are paying less attention to their food quality. Recent order of multiple sushi sets was SO BAD that they just fell apart, no way to dip them in soy either. The only way to eat them was with a fork. At this price this is a disgrace. Avoid them for now.
Stavros Paraskevaides
Sushiro Kesklinn
Wanted to have some sushi and based on Google reviews decided to visit this restaurant. Although it’s kind of hard to locate seats on the top of a retail store it’s totally worth it. The atmosphere is lovely and cozy and the sushi is absolutely tasty. Value for money is also excellent. Go for it!
Sushiro Kesklinn
ÜberraschungDas Lokal erreicht man durch einen Geschenkeladen. Sehr schön eingerichtet. Wir waren total überrascht. Coole Aussicht wegen der offenen langgezogenen Fenster. Außergewöhnlich. Viel Stahl verbaut. Sehr niedrige Decke, alles mit Polsterungen versehen. Für Künstler empfehlenswert.Wir haben nichts gegessen nur getrunken. Tolle Bar. Einfach mal reingehen.
Nikolai Soric
Sushiro Kesklinn
Even tough the food too long to arrive it was absolutely delicious. The Crab sushi was amazing. Good cocktails. A little pricey.

Lisa Arvustus


Viru 13-15, 10111 Tallinn
Sushiro Kesklinn