Narva raekoda Raekoja plats 1, 20307 Narva

Narva raekoda

767 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev10–18
  • neljapäev10–18
  • reede10–18
  • laupäev10–18
  • pühapäev10–18
  • esmaspäev10–18
  • teisipäev10–18

Narva raekoda Raekoja plats 1, 20307 Narva

Ettevõtte kohta

Narva Raekoda | Visit Narva | From June 2, 2023, Narva Town Hall is open again after a 24-year break! Now Narva town hall building hosts Narva tourist information center. German, Swedish and Italian architectural influences are mixed in the building style of the Town Hall that dates back to the 17th century (architect G. Teuffel). The architectural complex of the Town Hall Square included the Town Hall,


Helista meile
Raekoja plats 1, 20307 Narva


  • kolmapäev10–18
  • neljapäev10–18
  • reede10–18
  • laupäev10–18
  • pühapäev10–18
  • esmaspäev10–18
  • teisipäev10–18


  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Sobib lastele
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav tualettruum
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetavad istekohad

Soovitatud Arvustused

The Mku
Narva raekoda
Newly renovated historic town hall that is open to the public.
Liia Raudsep
Narva raekoda
Vaga huvitav oli vaadata 3D filmi Narva ajaloost esimese Eesti Vabariigi ajal
Ahto Neidek
Narva raekoda
Ainuke säilinud hoone millest õhkub iidse Narva endist hiilgust
Marju Sepp
Narva raekoda
Väga kenasti korda tehtud üks väheseid vanast Narvast säilinud hooneid. Tore oli kuulda, et linnavalitsus ka lõpuks seda kasutab, küll pidulike vastuvõttude jaoks.
Anu Tamme
Narva raekoda
Kaunilt restaureeritud hoone, kus asub ka turismiinfo.
Rasmus Karits
Narva raekoda
Historically significant building. Built in the middle of last millenia. Survived the bombing of Narva in 1944. After that it was renovated and also survived the demolition bourgouis building by the soviet regime.
Rasa Aleksaite
Narva raekoda
There is a tourism office here now
Jozef Jonas
Narva raekoda
Renewed good looking town hall.
Ave Pill
Narva raekoda
It's a historical building opened after full renovation summer 2023. Open for public as the Narva Tourist Information is located on the 1st floor. They also have a fantastic VR experience there, you can see the most beautiful baroc city as Narva was before II WW. A must see experience in Narva!
Liliia Abdulina
Narva raekoda
Interesting from a historical point of view. Keeps the spirit of past inside. It has enormous paper model of Narva with all its buildings. Those paper models are the main thing here, in Town Hall, so you wouldn’t have to spent much time here :)Then you can proceed to the cafe in a nearby building.

Lisa Arvustus


Raekoja plats 1, 20307 Narva
Narva raekoda