Medemis Clinic Narva maantee 7, 1. trepikoda, 6. korrus, 10117 Tallinn

Medemis Clinic

46 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev09–19
  • neljapäev09–19
  • reede09–19
  • laupäev10–15
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev09–19
  • teisipäev09–19

Medemis Clinic Narva maantee 7, 1. trepikoda, 6. korrus, 10117 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Nahakliinik Medemis / Ilukliinik Tallinnas - Medemis | Medemise nahakliinikus on meie soov parandada inimeste naha tervist ja nende elukvaliteeti. Usume, et terve ja ilus nahk kuulub kõigile ja on enesekindluse ja edu alus. Tegeleme esteetilise dermatoloogia vallas.


Helista meile
Narva maantee 7, 1. trepikoda, 6. korrus, 10117 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev09–19
  • neljapäev09–19
  • reede09–19
  • laupäev10–15
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev09–19
  • teisipäev09–19


  • Krediitkaardid
  • Deebetkaardid
  • NFC-mobiilimaksed
  • Tualett
  • Uute patsientide valstuvõtmine

Soovitatud Arvustused

Olga Aleksjutina
Medemis Clinic
Suur tänu! Väga meeldis tulemus! Tegin ilusüstid: nägu, huuled. Väga super! Olga Delovski on väga hea spetsialist! Большое спасибо! Делала у Olga Delovski губы, скулы, носогубки, подбородок, лоб. Результат отличный!
Alina Harkovskaja
Medemis Clinic
Even though the specialists there are at a high level, I recently had a bad experience where the customer service representative called me and arrogantly passed on information (the content of which was that we had to cancel the appointment of mine). It felt as if I was talking to an angry official. That’s why such a rating and the decision not to use their services anymore. Please learn that an excellent customer service is A MUST!
Gertrud Ots
Medemis Clinic
Really professional service and I’m truly happy with the results of the procedures I have done there. Thank you!
Davide Lorenzi
Medemis Clinic
I booked a visit for dermatologist E.Mäestu: she couldn't really tell what the problem was for sure, and tried to give me some medication.Also, she told me to try it for few months, after which absolutely DO NOT book an appointment with her again, as it will be useless (as she already viewed me and wouldn't be able to do anything). She explicitly told to just write her an email (she even gave me her personal business card with email). To highlight it was NOT ME asking this, she just told me on her own!What really put me off, is that after few months I finally contacted her via email as the problem was not solved.She replied after few weeks, and said she does not do any prescription via email, and that I should instead book another appointment with her, and therore pay again the 80€ visit!!!After reminding her that it was her who told me to NOT BOOK again, but instead to ONLY WRITE an email as she wouldn't be able to do anything else different from he previous visit, she just stopped to reply completely.Long story short: absolutely unprofessional service, no solution to the problem, time wasted, and they even tell you lies just to steal from you more money!!Stay away from this place, totally not recommended.
Marta Jõekäära
Medemis Clinic
Olen alati saanud parima teeninduse ja iga spetsialist süveneb sinusse täielikult ja annab maksimaalse, et saaksid soovitud tulemuseni! Alati lähen heameelega tagasi, sest tulemused on garanteeritud ja parim teenindus!
Anna Kost
Medemis Clinic
Olen Medemises saadud kogemusega väga rahul.Olga Delovski- meeldiv ja professionaalne spetsialist, kes läheneb igale kliendile individuaalselt. Soovitan!!!
Kopal Maheshwari
Medemis Clinic
Highly unprofessional service. They will change your appointment as per their convenience and make you run from one office to another in different locations. No call or message or email before making such change and when you call them they will say they tried calling you twice. Beware if you want to just run for an unprofessional appointment. If this is how they deal then I won't be surprised that they will ruin your skin too !
Clara Del Rey
Medemis Clinic
I booked an appointment because their website says that they do “Removal of skin lesions with UltraPulse CO2 laser“, but their dermatologist told me they didn’t have yet the equipment, so I wasted my money in nothing. They try to charge me 80€ for the consultation “because the Estonian and Russian website stated that price”, even though their English website says 50€. I finally managed to get charged “only” 50€… for a 10 minutes pointless consultation. I wouldn’t recommend to go there.
Eveli Tõniste
Medemis Clinic
Hea asukoht ja tore teenindus!

Lisa Arvustus


Narva maantee 7, 1. trepikoda, 6. korrus, 10117 Tallinn
Medemis Clinic