Penijõe matkarada Penijõe, 90305 Läänemaa

Penijõe matkarada

76 Arvustused
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Penijõe matkarada Penijõe, 90305 Läänemaa

Ettevõtte kohta

Penijõe matkarada (3,2-7 km) | Loodusega koos | RMK |



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Soovitatud Arvustused

Joosep Nahkor
Penijõe matkarada
A lot of mosquitos but otherwise a nice place with interesting sights, especially from the observation tower. Some of the trail goes through a cow pasture, but they're really nice and calm.
Olev Peetris
Penijõe matkarada
Vaikne ja rahulik
Penijõe matkarada
Pleasant easy track in Matsalu park but a little underwhelming. We didn’t do the full circle but went backwards as there were too many (big) cows on the track.The part next to the river was enjoyable.Nice views on the meadow from the observation towers.Quite hot in summer.
Argo Luigas
Penijõe matkarada
Maastik on suhteliselt ühetaoline.Teel on võimalik kohtuda veiste ja hobustega. On ka üks suurem vaatetorn, kust on hea vaade ja kus saab piknikku pidada.
Helen Maalinn
Penijõe matkarada
Well marked walking track. Probably great in case you are interested in bird watching, otherwise not so exciting surrounding. The track goes around a large grass field, partially in sun and some parts in shade. There is a watch tower approximately half way. No possibility for swimming.
Martin Villig
Penijõe matkarada
Average trail, regular green fields and some birds and cows. Some places are wet and muddy. OK for 1 time visit, probably not coming back.
Katrin S.
Penijõe matkarada
Võimalus kohtuda veist, lammaste, hobustega. Parim on rada läbida pilvise ilmaga, siis on rohkem varju, enamus rajast päikese käes. Kaunid vaated vaatetornidest. Mõnusad piknikupidamise võimalused.
Vaino Nõupuu
Penijõe matkarada
Muidu kena aga praegusel ajal kummikuid vaja
Penijõe matkarada
The most beautiful place i have visited. For us it was 30 degrees celsius with full sun out! Walking on the trail felt like in desert - large fields with cattle roaming in distance, wonderful flooded areas with nature showing its diverse life. Just stay silent for some time and you can see the birds, bugs, hear the fish and more.The walk was aprrox 30min total but well worth the time! Did not want to take a photo because definitely want to go back.

Lisa Arvustus


Penijõe, 90305 Läänemaa
Penijõe matkarada