Estateguru - Tallinn Office (HQ) Pääsukese 2, 10145 Tallinn

Estateguru - Tallinn Office (HQ)

100 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev09–17
  • neljapäev09–17
  • reede09–17
  • laupäevSuletud
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev09–17
  • teisipäev09–17

Estateguru - Tallinn Office (HQ) Pääsukese 2, 10145 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Start Investing in Property-Backed Business Loans - Estateguru | Invest in thousands of loans to businesses across Europe, all backed by the peace of mind provided by a mortgage on a real estate property.


Helista meile
Pääsukese 2, 10145 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev09–17
  • neljapäev09–17
  • reede09–17
  • laupäevSuletud
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev09–17
  • teisipäev09–17


  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs

Soovitatud Arvustused

Philippe B
Estateguru - Tallinn Office (HQ)
Stay away from them,False promises, no insight in laws that they navigate (Or fail to navigate) and in general fraudulent behavior.I consider my money gone...
Mark Whayman
Estateguru - Tallinn Office (HQ)
The platform works although a couple more improvements could help lazy investors like me. My downfall has been to take on multiple loans from single projects, also from single borrowers. I have now rectified this mistake and look forward to slowly improving my portfolio's position. Meanwhile I feel it is time that management take a more brutal attitude to the german loan arrangers and borrowers, both. Any attempt to stifle EG in the market place should be treated seriously.
Alex 4
Estateguru - Tallinn Office (HQ)
Too many defaults (and not only in Germany), while real estate prices have not dropped and the demand and transactions are still there. Published LTV was ok, but recovered amounts are only fraction of principle. IMHO, ether completely incompetent counterpaty assessment, or blatant fraud. Wondering, why regulators are not doing any assessments
Kaja Parker
Estateguru - Tallinn Office (HQ)
oma kogemustest soovitan eemale hoida.ei estateguru ega crowdestate ei vasta nn. investoritele orienteeritud väidetavatele kinnisvara tagatisel esitatud projektidele. Pole sentigi panustanud a. 2021, sest väljamaksed viibivad, osad laekumised on ainult nn. investeeritud raha tagastamine, nn. lubatud dividende näeb vaid tuul, tegelikult loomulikult estateguru, väljamaksed on ühepoolselt muudetud 1 rahaliseks, a. 2019 on väljamaksed laekumata, lubatud viivised on lubatud. Dividendid ei kata kaotatud rahalist kaotust. Suhtlus on ühepoolselt inglise keelne, riigikeel oli just eesti keel. Muutuv nagu valitsuse armastus oma rahva vastu.
Artus Lopez
Estateguru - Tallinn Office (HQ)
Many defaulted loans, have been stuck with them for years waiting for a solution that never comes. Out of the four loans in my portfolio, two (from 2020) are only partially recovered, and two from 2022 are in default". What a rip off
Artur Kyryliuk
Estateguru - Tallinn Office (HQ)
Avoid this company. More then half of the loans were defaulted on my well diversified portfolio (only 14% was in Germany and rates was moderate).Even if all of them will be recovered, usual recovery starts only after 1-1.5 years. I.e. if you invest for 1 year with rate 10% you will get less then 5% yearly in the best scenario with current default rate.There are lots of investment options with lower risks or higher yield.
Karolis Valiokas
Estateguru - Tallinn Office (HQ)
If you want to have many defaults even if the rates of the loans are good, use it. UPDATE: After your answer, still nothing, still defaulted loans, however few more months passed.
Izenikesband Donostia
Estateguru - Tallinn Office (HQ)
They are scammers, the first platform I trust for my first crowdfunding and they turn out to be thieves. Don't even think about investing anything with them.
Elino Khoury
Estateguru - Tallinn Office (HQ)
DON'T INVEST WITH THIS WEBSITE. IT CAN'T BE WORSE. Check the photo. Most of the projects are defaulted, and the 24% not defaulted are the one that the deadline has not reached yet. So I think soon it will be 100% defaulted.
Buckie 1917
Estateguru - Tallinn Office (HQ)
AVOID THIS PLATFORM. It features a slick UI, and the interest rates looked attractive in 2021/2 (not so much inJune 2023), but the quality of the loans on offer is pretty appalling.Out of 26 loans I made from 1Q21 to 1Q22, almost 50% are past due or in default by number. This percentage is even higher by value unfortunately. Beware their claims of low or no write-offs due to superior collateral - it takes a while for loans to go bad, even longer to work through bankruptcy proceedings, and they haven't been operating long enough to see the steady state write-off rate. EG also frequently extends loan terms by 3/6 months, sometimes multiple times, to defer the difficult job of collecting the debt and/ or to avoid classing these loans as bad.Another tip for the unwary is that most of the good borrowers repay early, so you will earn less interest than you expected from those loans.At this point I fully expect that bad debts will ultimately outweigh the interest earned on my portfolio. You're better off investing in a money market fund or fixed deposit.

Lisa Arvustus


Pääsukese 2, 10145 Tallinn
Estateguru - Tallinn Office (HQ)