Soloha Juures Parking lot, Kopli 1-10149, 10149 Tallinn

Soloha Juures

33 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev09–19
  • neljapäev09–19
  • reede09–19
  • laupäev09–19
  • pühapäev09–17
  • esmaspäev09–19
  • teisipäev09–19

Soloha Juures Parking lot, Kopli 1-10149, 10149 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta



Helista meile
Parking lot, Kopli 1-10149, 10149 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev09–19
  • neljapäev09–19
  • reede09–19
  • laupäev09–19
  • pühapäev09–17
  • esmaspäev09–19
  • teisipäev09–19


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  • Magustoit
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  • Sobib gruppidele

Soovitatud Arvustused

Henna Mikkilä
Soloha Juures
This small eatery is one of my very favourites in Tallinn! Value for money is excellent. Such tasty food, and very original old fashioned atmosphere. I eat here at least once every week.
Tarmo Pütsep
Soloha Juures
Olen natuke pettunud, läksin sinna Ukraina borši sööma, aga seda neil sellel päeval ei olnudki. Sõin seljankat ja ühe beljaši, need olid ka head. Supil oleks võinud hapukoort natuke rohkem olla.
S Plicia
Soloha Juures
Stopped here for a bowl of Borscht and you could tell everything here was made from scratch and with love. In a world saturated by chain restaurants, thank goodness there are still places like this, cooking real food. Everyone should visit this restaurant and other places that cook from the heart not the wallet.
L Dillon
Soloha Juures
This place has very reasonable and delicious plates of Ukrainian food. The cakes, breads and pies are made on site and we had the best poppyseed pastry we have ever had. It was still warm and super soft. Great spot.
fish bone
Soloha Juures
1) Toit - Meekook oli vastik. Tavaline meekook mis müüakse kauplustes on palju parem. Oli ka tunda mingi margariini kasutust..2) Teenud - Ei olnud isegi korraliku karpi enda oma meekooki ühetükkina panna. Ise pidin pakkuma variandi pappiga mille jooksul sain ka komentaari kuulda.3) Atmosfääri seal pole. vanaaegne, vastik koht.
Stanislav Andranovits
Soloha Juures
Very good place with very welcoming owner. She was very kind and helpful. The best place to try real Ukrainian/Russian food. The have lots of dishes, like stuffed paprika, soups, desserts etc. Highly recommend! And prices are also fair
Ricardo Resende
Soloha Juures
I went in the early morning to eat something sweet, I almost was tempted to actually eat something salty, of how good it smells. Everything looks really homemade, I tried the napoleon and the kompot, both were some of the best I tried here in my stay in the Baltics. The owner knows some English and you're able to pay with card. I wish I had more time in Tallinn to try their food, it's a good choice if you're looking for fast but hearty food. You'll also get the side bonus of helping an Ukrainian business.
Soloha Juures
Sehr guter, kleiner Schnellimbiss mit einfacher, leckerer und herzhafter Hausmannskost wie Kohlrouladen oder gefüllten Paprikaschoten. Ein Gericht mit dem leckeren, mit Dill gewürzten Tomatensalat und Bulgur oder Bratkartoffeln für nur 6 Euro, dazu eine herrliche hausgemachte Himbeerlimonade für 1.50 € Die Gerichte kann man in der Theke aussuchen, die nette Chefin spricht etwas Englisch und hilft gerne. Es gibt auch leckeren, hausgemachten Kuchen.
Juri Raudsepp
Soloha Juures
Head kodused Ukraina pärased taskukohased toidud.
Soloha Juures
Soloha Juures is a Ukrainian столовая in Balti Jaama Turg. It is a quite tiny house but had seating both inside and outside. The food was delicious and tasted just like a home cooked meal. Cheap prices, about €20 for two, drinks and soups included. Unlimited bread with your food and kind lady behind the counter.They speak Estonian and English, I'm guessing Ukrainian as well but mostly Russian.

Lisa Arvustus


Parking lot, Kopli 1-10149, 10149 Tallinn
Soloha Juures