Tattoo Salong Maori Kai 5, 10111 Tallinn

Tattoo Salong Maori

74 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev11–16
  • neljapäev11–16
  • reede11–16
  • laupäev11–16
  • pühapäevSuletud
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  • teisipäev11–16

Tattoo Salong Maori Kai 5, 10111 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Tattoo Salong Maori Tallinn | Tattoo Salong Maori Tallinn, Таллин. 3,706 likes. TATTOO & Body PIERCING


Helista meile
Kai 5, 10111 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev11–16
  • neljapäev11–16
  • reede11–16
  • laupäev11–16
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev11–16
  • teisipäev11–16


  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Krediitkaardid
  • Deebetkaardid
  • NFC-mobiilimaksed

Soovitatud Arvustused

Anns ლჩქ
Tattoo Salong Maori
Mulle meeldis tätoveerimissalong! Meister oli tubli, töö kvaliteetne ja personal sõbralik. Soovitan seda salongi kõigile, kes otsivad kohta, kus end tätoveerida.
Tattoo Salong Maori
I went there to get my nose pierced for the first time, they were super friendly everything was extremely clean and the overall vibe was just great. I'd highly reccomend going here.
Sofia Virolaynen
Tattoo Salong Maori
I was on vacation with friends and we decided to get friendship tattoos. Decided to do our tattoos in Maori tattoo salong and it turned out very good. The service was amazing and friendly and so amazing was tattoos that we did. So I can suggest this place because of its good service and good work and it’s near the port as well!
Alejandro Bambino
Tattoo Salong Maori
I went there to get my first tattoo. I thought for a long time which salon to choose and my choice fell on the Maori, and I want to say that with the choice I make no mistake, this is really a very good salon. the master is very friendly, treated to tea. I am very glad!
Jonathan Poirier
Tattoo Salong Maori
Completely ridiculous price, small armband 6cm black he wanted 500 euro, got it done at a reputable tattoo parlor in Germany 300 euro
Platon Golovin
Tattoo Salong Maori
They did everything quickly, very high quality and affordable prices. I liked everything I advise
Sophie Renard
Tattoo Salong Maori
I strongly advise against this. I went to get a piercing with a friend, they didn't disinfect before or after. My friend had to ask to put a marker in and the piercer gave her the marker to do it herself. Great lack of professionalism, especially that 2 days later, the ball of my piercing fell out without me even touching it. On top of that, the man at the reception desk came on to me heavily, we were extremely uncomfortable
Liel Aisenstadt
Tattoo Salong Maori
Overall very good service! Went to get my helix pierced and turned out amazing. Only thing is that it’s a bit overpriced but overall everything was good!

Lisa Arvustus


Kai 5, 10111 Tallinn
Tattoo Salong Maori