Pikk Hermann 10133 Tallinn

Pikk Hermann

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Pikk Hermann 10133 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Pikk Hermann ja Toompea tornid - Riigikogu | Toompea lossi kõrgeimas tornis Pikas Hermannis lehvib Eesti lipp.Keskajal kaitsesid Toompea lossi neli torni – Pikk Hermann, Landskrone, Pilsticker ja Stür den Kerl. Pikas Hermannis 95 meetri kõrgusel lehviv lipp sümboliseerib meie iseseisvust.



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Soovitatud Arvustused

Luke Phang
Pikk Hermann
An iconic landmark that signifies Estonia's fierce struggle for independence, this tower dates back to medieval times and forms part of the Toompea Castle and the Estonian parliament. The Estonian flag is hoisted up and down daily, at the start and end of the day, accompanied by the two Estonian anthem. Quite a symbolic building that is open rarely to the public once or twice per year, but it's worth to admire from afar.
Iaroslav Chuikov
Pikk Hermann
Visiting Pikk Hermann is a rare and unique experience (this tower is opened for tourists only few times per year and 20.08 of each year is one of them). Tickets are free but you need to come as earlier as you can to reserve your spot. Last year we came at ~3 PM and it was too late, this year we came at 12 AM and obtained tickets for 1 PM, so pay attention to thisCityview from Pikk Hermann is awesome, can compete with view from Oleviste and Niguliste as well
Pikk Hermann
Pikk Hermann is a tower located in the Toompea Castle in Tallinn. The initial construction of the tower took place between 1360 and 1370, and it was later rebuilt in the 16th century. As far as I know, the only access to the tower is through the castle. It is a remarkable sight to behold in Tallinn. Additionally, there is a small park nearby where you can take a break and relax.
Pikk Hermann
Erandkorras saime külastada torni ja ronida tippu, kust avanesid võrratud vaated Tallinnale.
Piotr Pawlukiewicz
Pikk Hermann
Nice garden, the palace, the tower and the view. A really cozy place.
Jana Krištanová
Pikk Hermann
A monument that is in a park in Tallinn's historical city center. I wouldn't call it the most interesting place in the city, but it surely adds to the city's historical value and it's also nicely reconstructed.
Archibald Kald
Pikk Hermann
Pika Hermanni torn on külastajatele avatud Riigikogu lahtiste uste päeval aprillis, lipupäeval 4. juunil ja taasiseseisvumispäeval 20. augustil. Kellaajalisi pääsmeid jagatakse kohapeal ürituse päeval, eelbroneerimist ei toimu. Soovitame varakult tulla pääsme järgi!
Ajay Kumar
Pikk Hermann
As you approach Tall Hermann, you'll notice the careful preservation of its medieval architecture. The tower's weathered stones and time-worn details add a sense of authenticity and historical significance. It serves as a reminder of the centuries of Tallinn's existence and the many stories held within its walls.While the tower's interior is not accessible to the general public, the view from its base is breathtaking. Standing at the foot of Tall Hermann, you can appreciate its sheer magnitude and absorb the surrounding beauty of Tallinn's Old Town. The tower's strategic location also provides panoramic views of the city's skyline and the Baltic Sea.
david howells
Pikk Hermann
Nice tower from the outside but pity visiting access is harder to come by than rocking horse pooh! Surrounding area is stunning though.
Goran A.
Pikk Hermann
Pikk Hermann, the Tall Hermann Tower, is a powerful emblem of Estonia's unwavering spirit and commitment to freedom. This towering structure, situated within the Toompea Castle complex, has witnessed the nation's struggles and triumphs throughout history. Today, Pikk Hermann proudly flies the blue, black, and white Estonian flag, symbolizing the country's independence and resilience. As a focal point of national identity, Pikk Hermann stands as a steadfast reminder of Estonia's journey towards self-determination and its enduring dedication to upholding democratic values and sovereignty.

Lisa Arvustus


10133 Tallinn
Pikk Hermann