Vahe 16 Residence Vahe 16, 11615 Tallinn

Vahe 16 Residence

7 Arvustused
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Vahe 16 Residence Vahe 16, 11615 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Vahe 16 Residence - Furnished Apartment Building in Nõmme |


Helista meile
Vahe 16, 11615 Tallinn


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  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Kohapeal pakutavad teenused
  • Broneering on nõutud
  • Veebikohtumised on saadaval

Soovitatud Arvustused

Vahe 16 Residence
This is a lovely place, I have been here before. I recommend to anyone looking for short or long stay in Tallinn.
Umair Rasool
Vahe 16 Residence
Incredibly Worst experience of my life.I never met a person of this cheap mindset.Place is good but owner will not let you enjoy the free space and privacy.Owner has his own set of foolish rules. If you argue he will come up with new rule instantly.He never fulfil his any promise. But he has quiet cheaper mind how to charge you every Euro as soon as step in.Be aware and stay away else enjoy the lifetime worst experience.Thanks
jack gill
Vahe 16 Residence
Incredible home in an incredible forest of nomme... made with love ...

Lisa Arvustus


Vahe 16, 11615 Tallinn
Vahe 16 Residence