VT Labs Sepapaja 6, 15551 Tallinn

VT Labs

11 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev10–18
  • neljapäev10–18
  • reede10–18
  • laupäevSuletud
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev10–18
  • teisipäev10–18

VT Labs Sepapaja 6, 15551 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Custom Software Development Company - Shopify Partners | VT Labs | VT labs is a full-cycle custom software development company that offers complex web development solutions for SMBs. Top-rated Shopify Partner.


Helista meile
Sepapaja 6, 15551 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev10–18
  • neljapäev10–18
  • reede10–18
  • laupäevSuletud
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev10–18
  • teisipäev10–18


  • Kohapeal pakutavad teenused

Soovitatud Arvustused

Андрей Хаврюта
VT Labs
Був дуже радий пропрацювати близько року у VT Labs і набратись досвіду як джун. Доброзичливий колектив, який завжди готовий допомогти, якщо щось незрозуміло, цікаві проекти і вчасні виплати зарплатні. Жодного разу не розчарували, дуже рекомендую співпрацю.
Andrew Sokolenko
VT Labs
Another 1 quarter and will be exactly a year as I work in this company. A great team of positive people focused on results. Interest in the company's projects is supported by a good choice of stack. In general, it turns out that it's nice to move with this team)
Anastasiia Puziv
VT Labs
I can leave only positive feedbacks about working experience in this company. Friendly team that is ready to help and loyal management. VT Labs is developing all the time, new interesting projects appear and any initiative is welcome. The ability to work remotely is another plus.
Валерия Демьянюк
VT Labs
I am glad to leave a review about my work at VT Labs. No pressure, loyal chief management, and a strong team. Each team member is a great professional and working on continuous self-improvement. Also, initiatives and new ideas are welcomed and encouraged.
Violeta Baranovska
VT Labs
I’m happy to leave a review of my working experience at VT Labs.The company follows its values and carefully chooses projects to give its employees the opportunities to learn and grow. The management is open to new ideas; the initiative is only welcomed. I'm very excited by the possibility of working remotely from anywhere in the world.

Lisa Arvustus


Sepapaja 6, 15551 Tallinn
VT Labs