Smoky Saloon Narva mnt 36, 10120 Tallinn

Smoky Saloon

32 Arvustused

Smoky Saloon Narva mnt 36, 10120 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta



Helista meile
Narva mnt 36, 10120 Tallinn



  • Krediitkaardid
  • Deebetkaardid
  • Väliterrass
  • Alkohol
  • Kange alkohol
  • Kohv
  • Kokteilid
  • Süüa saab ka hilisõhtul
  • Vein
  • Õlu
  • Lõunasöök
  • Õhtusöök
  • Magustoit
  • Hubane
  • Lihtne
  • Sobib gruppidele
  • Võtab vastu reserveeringuid
  • Head kokteilid
  • Kohapeal on baar
  • Toit
  • Kiire teenindus
  • Hea baaritoit
  • Toit baaris
  • Üksi söömine
  • Kohalikud
  • Hea õllevalik
  • Vaikne

Soovitatud Arvustused

Tero Helenius
Smoky Saloon
The baltic guide have information the 3,7kg burger challenge,but it wasn't!!!! mainoksessa luki et, kokeile Viron suurinta. 3,7- kiloista burgeria, josta riittää jopa kuudelle. Paikasta kysyessäni ja lehteä näyttäessäni tarjoilija vain pyöritti päätä. Totesi vain ettei meillä ole sellaista, joten nostimme kytkintä emmekä voi arvioida ruokaa.Aika huijaus homma saada asiakkaita!!!
Kerti Alev
Smoky Saloon
Good salad and nice place to go with kids!
Søren Hejnfelt
Smoky Saloon
Average food and atmosphere.
Anatoly Yakubov
Smoky Saloon
Not bad but definitely could be improved.
Alex andre
Smoky Saloon
Very nice place, the decorations create a real American atmosphere, the waiters are polite and the drinks and food are great.
Jane Jane
Smoky Saloon
ОЧЕНЬ вкусно! Горячий копченый лосось - прекрасно!
Паша Мосякин
Smoky Saloon
Очень вкусно. Быстро готовиться.
tiit savason
Smoky Saloon
Saloon tõelistele kauboidele. Odavad päevapakkumised, ning põnevad road tavamenüüs.
Mick Catala
Smoky Saloon
Disappointed. This would be a good joint for a gang of lads on a stag or out for a raucous night. Unfortunately I visited it with some work colleagues early in the week.As a consequence the place was empty and with the only thing missing from the clichéd cowboy decor was a tumbled weed blowing through the bar.We ordered from the texmex menu and it was delivered by an unsmiling waitress/ bar person. My burger was not nice. I suspect it was cooked from frozen and not fully. The interior of the meat was cold and the sauce was watery thereby making the bun soggy.It's clear that effort and investment has gone into this place but there was no effort made for us either from a service or food perspective.As I said disappointed and won't be going back anytime soon.
Smoky Saloon
Väga hea toit :) hea vaikne koht kus mõnusalt aega veeta..

Lisa Arvustus


Narva mnt 36, 10120 Tallinn
Smoky Saloon