St. Peterburg Hospidali 6, Pärnu, 80011 Pärnu maakond

St. Peterburg

154 Arvustused

St. Peterburg Hospidali 6, Pärnu, 80011 Pärnu maakond

Ettevõtte kohta

Hotell, konverentsikeskus, restoran - St Peterburg | Hotell, konverentsikeskus, restoran, majutus ning palju muud Pärnus.


Helista meile
Hospidali 6, Pärnu, 80011 Pärnu maakond



  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla

Soovitatud Arvustused

Anna Olszewska
St. Peterburg
very cosy and interesting place:) good place to stay for a night. The location is in the centre of Pärnu - very close from the bus station.
Nick The Long Shanks
St. Peterburg
The hotel is historic which makes it a fascinating place to stay. Unfortunately for what you pay, I don't think it is worth staying here. On arrival the room wasn't cleaned properly, the bed sheets were too small, and there is no soap in the shower. Rooms on one side face a busy street that has rowdy people moving along it from the bars. Breakfast was also quite disappointing - there wasn't much choice and it seems really cheap. I would not stay here again or recommend it to anyone.
Kunnar Kõivisto
St. Peterburg
Mõnus koht teistsugune interjöör kui tavaliselt hotellides.
Kaisa S.
St. Peterburg
Väga ilus koht kus ööbida. Hommikusöök väga rikkalik ja mõnusas atmosfääris. Teenindus oli ka väga hea.
sipsik sipsik
St. Peterburg
ventilatsioon puudus, öösel lärmakas, akent sulgeda ei saanud soojuse tõttu,televiisor ei töötanud , admin ei osanud millegagi aidata. Hommikusöök jube.
Ursula Taela
St. Peterburg
Parima asukohaga väike, armas hotell. Sõbralik vastuvõtu administraator!!!!
Joe Cross
St. Peterburg
We had a great stay at the St Petersburg Hotel. Very different from your average or modern hotel so be prepared for a bit of an experience. The building/decor is unique and has a certain charm.The location is perfect and breakfast was really nice.Staff working in the kitchen and on reception were very welcoming and kind.Aitäh
St. Peterburg
The hotel is dirty and dusty. If you got any allergies, please refrain from this place, as it will give you all the symptoms. Stuff lacks any professional customer service or courtesy skills. The basic phrases like welcome to our hotel/ enjoy your stay/ hello/good morning/ good evening/thank you/have a nice day" are not present in stuff vocabulary. Try to learn some Finnish or Estonian before check-in
Annika Väljaots
St. Peterburg
Tuba on umbne, puudub õhutamise võimalus/konditsioneer, telekal ei ole pulti, puuduvad öökardinad.
Harry Traum
St. Peterburg
Hubane,vaikne keskaegses stiilis majutus linnasüdames.Väga originaalne koht.Mõnus ja romantiline.

Lisa Arvustus


Hospidali 6, Pärnu, 80011 Pärnu maakond
St. Peterburg