Michael Parki mälestusmärk Pirita tee 100, 12011 Tallinn

Michael Parki mälestusmärk

122 Arvustused
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Michael Parki mälestusmärk Pirita tee 100, 12011 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta



Helista meile
Pirita tee 100, 12011 Tallinn


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  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
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Soovitatud Arvustused

Michael Parki mälestusmärk
A beautiful spot along the promenade following the Baltic Sea coast outside of Tallinn. This is a perfect area for cycling or running with many interesting memorials and statues along the way
Henry Richardson
Michael Parki mälestusmärk
Michael “Beef” Park was a UK-born Rally Co-driver, who partnered with Estonian World Rally Car driver Markko Martin. The pair shared five World Championship event victories during six years together competing at World level. During which time they were renowned for a not just an excellent working relationship together but a great sense of humour, in and out of the car. Michael often commenting that Estonia felt like his second home".Michael lost his life in September 2005 whilst he and Markko were competing in the Wales Rally GB event. When their Peugeot 307 WRC left the road at high speed during the Margam Special Stage and collided with a tree on the co-driver's side. Leaving a wife Marie and two young children. The people of Estonia erected this beautiful cube-shaped memorial a year later. As a tribute to all that Michael and Markko had achieved to help re-establish Estonia in the eyes of the wider world and promote Estonia as an independent and proud country.I was a contemporary with Michael several years earlier in the UK Peugeot Challenge rally training programme. We were friends with a shared passion for rallying. I visited this sculpture in 2015
Eneken Eschholz
Michael Parki mälestusmärk
Ilus koht kus hea jalga puhata ja nautida vaadet.
Mia Maria
Michael Parki mälestusmärk
In a beautiful place on the Pirita promenade, free of charge
Enrico Miggino
Michael Parki mälestusmärk
I always liked this place. There's one of the best views of the city from here. The shining iron sculpture in summer in this beautiful location is one of the places that you must see in Tallinn.
Patrick Rahuba
Michael Parki mälestusmärk
Kena koht, uhke mälestis.
Anneli Lehtpuu
Michael Parki mälestusmärk
Meeldiv mälestis. Tore koht väikeseks peatuseks
Stina Hejnfelt
Michael Parki mälestusmärk
Pretty place to collect your thoughts and enjoy the sea
Yo! Plynie
Michael Parki mälestusmärk
Nice tribute

Lisa Arvustus


Pirita tee 100, 12011 Tallinn
Michael Parki mälestusmärk