Drop-D Sounds Pärnu mnt. 28, 10141 Tallinn

Drop-D Sounds

92 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev10–18
  • neljapäev10–18
  • reede10–18
  • laupäevSuletud
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev10–18
  • teisipäev10–18

Drop-D Sounds Pärnu mnt. 28, 10141 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Drop-D Sounds - Drop-D Sounds | Wide range of effects and guitar gear from world renowned pedal brands to high-end boutique manufacturers.


Helista meile
Pärnu mnt. 28, 10141 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev10–18
  • neljapäev10–18
  • reede10–18
  • laupäevSuletud
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäev10–18
  • teisipäev10–18


  • Poodi järeletulemine
  • Kohapeal ostmine
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Krediitkaardid
  • Deebetkaardid
  • NFC-mobiilimaksed
  • Tänaval kättesaamine
  • Komplekteerimisteenus
  • Remonditeenused
  • WiFi

Soovitatud Arvustused

Darel Black
Drop-D Sounds
This is the best guitar shop in Estonia. Guys are friendly and also they have a wide selection of pedals, much bigger than in other shops.
Lance Seidman
Drop-D Sounds
I went in thinking kind of what I want or needed. I came out spending less than I thought I would and with more gear.The guitarist/clerk was amazing, I learned more from him in 10 Minutes than I did with 23 YouTube video's and ton of Guitar magazine article's.He got me a Boxed guitar, tested and tuned it. He didn't try to up sell me on anything like they do in my country (USA).Definitely recommend this store, especially for expats.
Kaupo Kuusk
Drop-D Sounds
Väga hea klienditeeninduskogemus. Väga avatud ja abivalmis! Olen mitmel korral nende poole pöördunud selliste soovidega, millega poleks arvanudki, et abi saan. Lisaks sellele on Drop-D -s tavapärasest erinev pilli- ja seadmete valik. Kui mängite kitarri või bassi, soovitan Drop-D-st aeg-ajalt kindlasti läbi astuda! Peale hea kliendikogemuse leiab sealt alati midagi kasulikku.
Veiko Tõkman
Drop-D Sounds
Asjalik teenindus ja huvitavad ning kvaliteetsed kitarrid!
aaron newton
Drop-D Sounds
Finally got to visit this shop last weekend. Truly a great selection of pedals, maybe the best I've ever seen. Friendly staff, well-priced gear.
Catherine Malong
Drop-D Sounds
Great service and super friendly staff! Very helpful with suggestions too!
Jorte Kariko
Drop-D Sounds
I bought guitar from these guys. More specifically Esp sv standard (white one). Custom service was first class! Guitar arrived to me perfectly in tune and setupped. the guitar was in better shape than what was described. Very good people! Definetely will buy more from you! Many thanks! And have blast christmas! You definetely made my christmas better! Thanks!happy holidays!Riku Jortikka
Veiko Mäekivi
Drop-D Sounds
Sõbralik teenindus ja eelkõige kitarrihuvilistele palju kraami (pillide valik on näiteks Stanfordis siiski suurem). Lasin oma akustilisele pillile setupi teha. Pärast seda on tõesti tunduvalt lihtsam mängida ja tekkis küsimus miks ma seda juba varem ei teinud?
Rob Smit
Drop-D Sounds
While living in the Netherlands I ordered here because the specific guitar Gibson Explorer 70 white was nowhere else available. Just contacted Martin to get confirmation if it was still on stock. His reply was promptly and I ordered and paid it. Drop-D sounds had sent the same day. Thank you for this great experience Martin!
Juan Alberto Carlotta
Drop-D Sounds
Very friendly place, they will make you feel like you're at home.And they are very helpful if you have inquiries.11/10 would recommend this place to anyone.

Lisa Arvustus


Pärnu mnt. 28, 10141 Tallinn
Drop-D Sounds