Burger King Balti Jaam Toompuiestee 37, 10149 Tallinn

Burger King Balti Jaam

1088 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev11–22
  • neljapäev11–22
  • reede11–01
  • laupäev11–01
  • pühapäev11–22
  • esmaspäev11–22
  • teisipäev11–22

Burger King Balti Jaam Toompuiestee 37, 10149 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Avaleht | Burger King® | 2020. aastast on Tallink Grupil hea meel olla Burger King®-i maaletooja Balti riikidesse.


Helista meile
Toompuiestee 37, 10149 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev11–22
  • neljapäev11–22
  • reede11–01
  • laupäev11–01
  • pühapäev11–22
  • esmaspäev11–22
  • teisipäev11–22


  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Krediitkaardid
  • Kohaletoomine
  • Deebetkaardid
  • NFC-mobiilimaksed
  • Sobib lastele
  • Kontaktivaba kohaletoimetamine
  • Tualett
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav tualettruum
  • Kaasaostmine
  • Kohapeal söömine
  • Kohv
  • Süüa saab ka hilisõhtul
  • Lõunasöök
  • Õhtusöök
  • Toitlustus
  • Magustoit
  • Istekohad
  • Lihtne
  • Sobib gruppidele
  • Lastemenüü
  • Lastetoolid
  • Hommikusöök
  • Letiteenindus

Soovitatud Arvustused

Filipp Babarokin
Burger King Balti Jaam
all i ordered was Milk Shake Strawberry and King Fusion Oreo. it took them 8 minutes to prepare it, and there was no sign that my order was ready. it took them 8 minutes to make it, and then a few minutes of silence until i came and asked the status of my order.It might feel like I’m overreacting but please consider that many customer on Balti Jaam have their trains to different locations within Estonia. How can they make a customer wait that long for some ice cream and milk shake , and then just get silent about the status?Another thing is the size. King Fusion is 3/4 full of ice cream LOL. not gonna attend this place anymore.
juxx jo
Burger King Balti Jaam
Food is very good and place is clean, service is good as well.But that's it, there just no toilet available.How can I start eating food with my hands, if I cannot wash them before?Where can I take a pee, if there's no toilet.Someone who is interested should report to authorities that this place should be kept closed. It's Estonian law that there's has to be available restroom while selling food made up to order from a counter/table.
Burger King Balti Jaam
Great food with quick and friendly service, what more can you ask for? I highly recommend! I love the self-order screens as it allowed me as an English speaker to order without problem. Thank you!
Helen V
Burger King Balti Jaam
Dull, mediocre flavours. Didn't mind waiting, but if you're in a hurry then it may not be worth it. They don't let many people in during these days, which is understandable. However, the service is also a bit slow. Maybe will get better with time.
Heilo Heil
Burger King Balti Jaam
Parim kogemus üldse - burger koos teatriga. Oli lõbus vaadata, kui Wolti / Bolti vennad tulid ilma maskideta tellimusele järgi ning siis said teenindajatelt pistuleid. Üks kulleritest tahtis tellimuse ära krabada aga teenindaja oli kiirem ja tõmbas selle eest ära.Burger oli veits külm.
Stig Liim
Burger King Balti Jaam
Must. Räpane. Põrandal nähtav tolmukiht mis pole ilmselgelt ühe päevaga tekkinud. Toolid põrandal pikali. Prügi ja toidutükid pea kõikjal. Balti jaama halb aura" ilmselt. Astusin sisse et enne rongi vähe aega parajaks teha ja tulin kohe välja tagasi. On see koht ennegi kasimatuse osas silma jäänud ent seekord oli kohe eraldi tase."
Koh Taku
Burger King Balti Jaam
The burger's putty was sticky and the potatoes were salty. The burger king is very famous hamburger restaurant in the world. The putty may be the worst among this chain stores. I expect to improve the quality of the meat and less salty in potatoes fry.In the restaurant, it was comfortable for me to stay here and keep proper distance between other away. The cheapest set was only €3.45. Good price to compete with other restaurants.
Mari Puuram
Burger King Balti Jaam
There is no wheelchair accessible toilet, the toilet is downstairs despite that the rest of the building could be used by anyone, the furniture is movable and there are different sorts of tables available. There are no handrails in the middle of the stairs. The threshold to the inside of the toilet is not levelled, which can make one drip. The trainstation is however a piece of history, could be for more people though.
Goran A.
Burger King Balti Jaam
It is not like a regular Burger King as it is in an open space with other businesses. You could wait a little bit to get your food, but in the end, it will arrive.
Alland Parman
Burger King Balti Jaam
Siin burgerit süües tuleb veidi nostalgia aegadest, kui seinaääred olid täis rongipileti kassasid, mille taga looklesid järjekorrad ja põrand - paistab olevat kestnud siiamaani - tihedalt täis toole, kus rongiootajad ja mis lõhn siin sees veel oli... Aga burgerid on nüüd head, saab kiiresti (ei ole palju rahvast) ja kohta saad valida, sest saal praktiliselt tühi.

Lisa Arvustus


Toompuiestee 37, 10149 Tallinn
Burger King Balti Jaam