Valga sõjamuuseum Pikk 16, Valga, 68206 Valga maakond

Valga sõjamuuseum

512 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev09–17
  • neljapäev09–17
  • reede09–17
  • laupäev09–17
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäevSuletud
  • teisipäev09–17

Valga sõjamuuseum Pikk 16, Valga, 68206 Valga maakond

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Helista meile
Pikk 16, Valga, 68206 Valga maakond


  • kolmapäev09–17
  • neljapäev09–17
  • reede09–17
  • laupäev09–17
  • pühapäevSuletud
  • esmaspäevSuletud
  • teisipäev09–17


  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav sissepääs
  • Sobib lastele
  • Restoran
  • Tualett
  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav tualettruum

Soovitatud Arvustused

Oliver Asberger
Valga sõjamuuseum
Nice little museum about the history of the estonian defense forces.
Ille Lauer
Valga sõjamuuseum
Muuseumi administraator asjalik ja väga sõbralik. Huvitavad eksponaadid. Küastus 5.- eur. Selle raha eest vaatamist väga palju. Tasub igaljuhul külastada, eriti neil, kellel on Eesti kaitseüksuste vastu huvi.
Franklin Furlong
Valga sõjamuuseum
Our tour group made a stop at this military museum in Valga, a town situated on the Estonia Latvian Border part of the town is in Estonia, part is in Latvia. The museum is located in the Estonian half of the town. This explains why most of the signs in the museum are Estonian.You will not see many military weapons that post date World War 2 here. The military vehicles outside are very outdated and in bad repair as you might expect.Weapons from Estonia, Russia and Nazi Germany are exhibited.The most compelling exhibits are not those that display walls of weapons, but those that include mannequins in uniforms, some fighting on the battlefield strewn with shells of used munitions.I would not say this is a kid friendly museum for any child lower than the age of conscription.
Vladimir Kostin
Valga sõjamuuseum
Mina olen Valgas iga aasta käinud mulle meeldib seal olles lähed tagasi eelmise sajandisse.
Alexander Aspinall
Valga sõjamuuseum
A phenomenal collection! For an Englishman this provided a real insight into the reality of the Cold War and the oppression of the Eastern Block countries.The extensive collection of arms from all sides of the war was also fascinating.
Ravila Kaslane
Valga sõjamuuseum
Väga lahe tutvuda meie ajalooga vabadus sõjas.
Tiina Park
Valga sõjamuuseum
Very interesting museum to visit with children, for 5 EUR adult and 3 for kid there is more then enough to see and climb, even go to a bunker
Allan Kraanvelt
Valga sõjamuuseum
Rohkelt kõike huvitavat. Kollektsioon relvade, masinate ning varustuse osas on muljetavaldav. Infot ja ajalugu piltide ning dokumentide näol samuti. Aega on, siis võid veeta seal terve päeva.
Irina Mazurika
Valga sõjamuuseum
Guides are just amazing! If you don't take the guide, you will miss all the funny part! Best coming in a group and book in advance extras like helicopter flight simulation and laser tag. Possible to play in museum territory or to go to real former battlefield in the forest. Very friendly and creative staff. Thank you, we really enjoyed!
Valga sõjamuuseum
This place has a great collection of military vehicles, and the owners are doing great work in restoring them. The inside exhibits are lacking English translations which is a shame, but understand they are yet to receive any funding to help with this. They hold a annual festival each year which looked like it was going to be amazing if you are a military buff. Nice little town to stop in for lunch on way to Tallin too.

Lisa Arvustus


Pikk 16, Valga, 68206 Valga maakond
Valga sõjamuuseum