Tallinna Lennujaam Tartu mnt 101, 10112 Tallinn

Tallinna Lennujaam

6239 Arvustused
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Tallinna Lennujaam Tartu mnt 101, 10112 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

Tallinna Lennujaam | Tallinna Lennujaam ei saa saada maailma suurimaks, küll aga maailma hubaseimaks lennujaamaks. Meile on oluline reisija rahulolu. Tahame, et reisija tunneb ennast lennujaamas nagu kodus. Teda oodatakse ja võetakse vastu külalislahkelt, tal on mugav ja turvaline.


Helista meile
Tartu mnt 101, 10112 Tallinn


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  • Ratastooliga juurdepääsetav parkla

Soovitatud Arvustused

michail usachev
Tallinna Lennujaam
Best I've ever seen. Cozy, homely small airport. Boarding gates are designed as house rooms, cafe terraces, libraries, etc. Between them, there are small shops, cafes, airport services. This is an air harbor for people, not for the passenger traffic"."
Tallinna Lennujaam
Cute small airport withm good facilities. Enough places to grab a bite as well. The toilets are maintained well too. ,
Paul Tarry
Tallinna Lennujaam
Super efficient airport experience on arrival and departure. As usual an expensive duty free shop, cheaper to buy in the shops once out of the airport. Most staff are multilingual, very friendly and helpful. Everything seems very well organised.
Jin Han
Tallinna Lennujaam
Maybe small, but friendly, functional and uses thr boarding platform so no ladders or stairs.Special thanks to Jekaterina at the boarding gate for her super helpfulness and professionalism! Actions that really makes flying experience positive. And leave positive impression for the country, as well as the airport.
Jiboo piu
Tallinna Lennujaam
Tallinn's airport is small but more technology-friendly than some other big European capital airports.You can find plugs everywhere.Security was easy and very smooth ( remember to take out every single liquid you might have or they send you back in line).The security staff was very friendly and helpful.The boarding room was very efficient and spacious as well.The bathrooms are clean and inviting (you don't get disgusted only by the look).It's very easy to get to the airport: tram 4 from the city center gets you directly to the airport ( about 20 minutes).1 ticket = 1.50 €.Enjoy Tallinn!
Viktor Ivarsson
Tallinna Lennujaam
BEST AIRPORT EVER! Fastest security checks, boarding and receiving luggage I've been through. The airport has a perfect amount of shops, food places and spots to relax. They even have comfortable chairs, which can't be said about all airports. They even have table tennis and a piano
Tallinna Lennujaam
Very nice airport. Due to a delay I had to spent 30 hours in this airport. There are sofas if you want to lay down, refill fountain, table tennis. A good chosen design with clean toilets and nice staff. There are a few options to eat but most of them are Deli's with snacks and sandwiches. However there is 1-2 restaurants with a limited warm dishes and a few bars.
Markus Tammeoja
Tallinna Lennujaam
Very cozy and small airport. Fitting for a small country with a small population ;).What surprised me is that it can get quite expensive here. Coffee in Oslo airport was cheaper than here, which is hilarious when you compare the cost of living of each country.. and wages.
Hong Zhang
Tallinna Lennujaam
It is small and well managed airport.I could not find any free Wi-Fi near the arrival exit of the airport. That was a surprise. Fortunately, I bought a European SIM card. I could still use Bolt to get a ride at midnight.

Lisa Arvustus


Tartu mnt 101, 10112 Tallinn
Tallinna Lennujaam