Restoran Ariran Telliskivi 35, 10611 Tallinn

Restoran Ariran

231 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev11–22
  • neljapäev11–22
  • reede11–22
  • laupäev11–22
  • pühapäev11–22
  • esmaspäev11–22
  • teisipäev11–22

Restoran Ariran Telliskivi 35, 10611 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta



Helista meile
Telliskivi 35, 10611 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev11–22
  • neljapäev11–22
  • reede11–22
  • laupäev11–22
  • pühapäev11–22
  • esmaspäev11–22
  • teisipäev11–22


  • Krediitkaardid
  • Deebetkaardid
  • NFC-mobiilimaksed
  • Tualett
  • Kaasaostmine
  • Kohapeal söömine
  • Alkohol
  • Kange alkohol
  • Kohv
  • Vein
  • Väikesed portsjonid
  • Õlu
  • Lõunasöök
  • Õhtusöök
  • Magustoit
  • Hubane
  • Lihtne
  • Sobib gruppidele
  • Võtab vastu reserveeringuid
  • Kohapeal on baar

Soovitatud Arvustused

Restoran Ariran
Felt compelled to write a review a.k.a. venting.Half star for the relatively reasonable price (compared with other Asian restaurants in Tallinn) and half star for the effort of fermenting kimchi.The rest - oh my, where to start.The Korean owner ajossi was just so impatient when taking our order. I tried to speak Korean but he just rudely cut me off in English and told me they didn’t have this that this that.Fine. We had our ramen which was literally a cooked pack of Shinramen with nothing else. And the noodle was over cooked. Fried rice was not Korean at all - very salty and greasy.Worst part. When checking out he asked if we were to pay in cash or card. I told him we didn’t have cash so would use card. He immediately became angry, as if we owed him money. He then overcharged us! The order was EUR 28.9 but he charged us EUR 31.6 on the card machine. I didn’t even bother to ask him why, because he seemed so unwelcoming and wanted us to leave right away.We didn’t do anything wrong. In fact I thanked him in Korean a few times when he brought up the food, just as what I always did in Korea. Utterly speechless. Worst experience and I hope it’s the last place of this sort in Tallinn and elsewhere around the world.Guys, really, give this place a pass if you want some tasty Korean food and some basic respect…
Abdallah El-Sakkary
Restoran Ariran
A nice small business in the heat of Tallinn. The food is prepared and served directly by the Korean owner, who helped us to choose the best options in his menu. A different experience that I would really recommend to you!
Restoran Ariran
We really enjoyed the owner's company and personality, it was definitely not a visit to an impersonal eatery. I think if you know how to treat the place and the owner (and people in general) with respect, you will get the same treatment yourself. The food was delicious. I am happy that I visited this place and we will definitely go again, if we will have such an opportunity :) I wish you all the best.
Ferdinando Bottone
Restoran Ariran
Warm and nice atmosphere, good food, fair prices. I've never been to a korean restaurant before and I gotta say that I regret it! Flavours are very interesting.Ps. The owner is an old cool gentleman, somehow he's exactly how I expect a Korean restaurant owner to be lol extra star for that!
Restoran Ariran
Bad memory at the touristic Tallinn city, where I wanted to have a good memory. Absolute No-go area for me, no-no, never ever again. How this place is remaining is a big mystery! Be aware of personnel and service there if you want risk yourself.
Dawn C
Restoran Ariran
The food was great, the owner was really friendly and nice, I saw some negative comments in the past, I believe it's the culture and communication issues. There's only 2 people working in the restaurant, I think when he receives more orders he gets stressed out, but in our case he did his best.
Restoran Ariran
It's quite unique, considering the experience you will get and the wonderful decoration of the place. I believe it's a family owned business, so you are probably going to be served by the owner.The place is full of references and memorabilia from Korea.I ordered chicken with rice and carrot salad on the side. The food was great for sure, though portion size was smaller than I thought. Considering the price I've paid I don't think it was worth it though.I also think this place is a bit stuck in times, and was a bit empty on Friday evening, not as trendy as other places in the area.
Dan Kol
Restoran Ariran
Õdus, 1991.a avatud kodurestoran keskmise nõudlikkusega kliendile. Esmapilgul võib väärikas eas restoraniperemees tunduda pisut otsekohene (järsk),kuid tegelikult on ta väga sõbralik. Restoran on oma koduselt atmosfäärilt puhas ja hoitud. Teenindus on lihtne ja viisakas.Teenindaja tegi küll mitmeid apsakaid (unustas joogid serveerida, tõi kolme inimese peale kolm söögipulka ilma paariliseta, salvrätikuid ei olnud), kuid see kõik on adestatav kui selgus, et ta on esimest päeva tööl, sõjapõgenik Hersonist (Ukrainast).Söök oli maitsev, päris elamust küll ei saanud. Hinnatase on pisut kallivõitu selle koguse kohta, kuid eks nad peavad omadega toime tulema.Peremees räägib rohkem vene keelt, vähemal määral inglise ja eesti keelt. Kindlasti tuleks personalile tulevikus kasuks parem eesti keele oskus.
Restoran Ariran
A familiar atmosphere in an unfamiliar place. Great food, especially the kimchi stew. Staff was kind and spoke both Korean and Russian. The noodle stock was a bit too sour for my taste but the rest, delicious. Authentic!

Lisa Arvustus


Telliskivi 35, 10611 Tallinn
Restoran Ariran