Tali Concept Telliskivi 60a-2, 10412 Tallinn

Tali Concept

134 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev11–19
  • neljapäev11–19
  • reede11–19
  • laupäev11–17
  • pühapäev11–17
  • esmaspäev11–19
  • teisipäev11–19

Tali Concept Telliskivi 60a-2, 10412 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta

TALI Concept Store - Epood - Suurim Disainipood Eestis | TALI pakub värskeimat ja kvatliteetset Eesti disaini ning inspireerivaid brände maailmast.


Helista meile
Telliskivi 60a-2, 10412 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev11–19
  • neljapäev11–19
  • reede11–19
  • laupäev11–17
  • pühapäev11–17
  • esmaspäev11–19
  • teisipäev11–19


  • Kohapeal ostmine
  • Krediitkaardid
  • Kohaletoomine

Soovitatud Arvustused

Jana -
Tali Concept
Ordered 2 reflectors out of which one looked so cheap that I wouldn't even pay 1eur for it and I ended up paying almost 8 + post which makes the cost ca 10 EUR. On the web the description says soft plastic, on the photo it looks nice and straight, pretty and what I received was not that at all. Reflector was hard, crooked and stank of glue/plastic. By law I have the right to return it and surprise surprise they do not accept in-store returns. I must sent it via a package machine and spend another 3 EUR? They say they have a different system but please how? Is the package machine is cross the street from the shop? Also, emails are not replied to within days. Extremely bad service. Super disappointed in Estonian" customer service. In any other respected place customer needs could me met!"
Kadi Tiitsen
Tali Concept
Heatujulised teenindajad ja rohkelt kaubavalikut igale külastajale
Annika Amenberg
Tali Concept
Juba teine kord kui ostan sealt poest kalli raha eest täielikku praaki! Uhked fääntsi disainbrändid ja lihtsalt lagunevad käest - seebialus, millelt kaob värv kui sinna asetada seep; kauss, mille on silt, et tohib pesta pesumasinas, laguneb peale esimest pesu... Rohkem ei lähe sinna.
Eva Lahe
Tali Concept
Väga põnev.
Herdis Pärn
Tali Concept
They have great selection of Estonian and world design, from clothing to home devote, and everything in between.
Getter Grossthal
Tali Concept
Awesome Estonian design shop (and some Nordic ones)! There is jewellery, accessories, clothes and stuff for home. Really cool and fantastic place to get souvenirs from Estonia. You can find stuff for for women, men, and kids. Stuff there is really friendly and helpful!!
Ingrid Saarna
Tali Concept
Huvutav Eesti disaini kauplus
kadi kaur
Tali Concept
Piisavalt laia valikuga kunstipood. On riideid, ehteid, aksesuaare ja huvitavaid kingivalikuid.
Lea Netz
Tali Concept
Väga meeldiv teenindus!!!
jipiii K
Tali Concept
Väga lahe pood ja super meeldiv teenindus!

Lisa Arvustus


Telliskivi 60a-2, 10412 Tallinn
Tali Concept