Rahvaste monument Vallikraavi, 51005 Tartu

Rahvaste monument

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Rahvaste monument Vallikraavi, 51005 Tartu

Ettevõtte kohta

Monument of Nations | Visit Tartu | The Monument of Nation is the oldest monument in Tartu. The bones buried under the floor and in the cemetery of St Mary’s Church were found when the main building of the University of Tartu was built on the former site of the church. In 1806 they were reburied in Toomeorg near Vallikraavi Street and the small square Monument to People, which was created according to the


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Vallikraavi, 51005 Tartu


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Rahvaste monument
Huvitav monument.

Lisa Arvustus


Vallikraavi, 51005 Tartu
Rahvaste monument