Lakrids by Bülow Endla 45, 10615 Tallinn

Lakrids by Bülow

3 Arvustused
  • kolmapäev10–21
  • neljapäev10–21
  • reede10–21
  • laupäev10–21
  • pühapäev10–19
  • esmaspäev10–21
  • teisipäev10–21

Lakrids by Bülow Endla 45, 10615 Tallinn

Ettevõtte kohta



Helista meile
Endla 45, 10615 Tallinn


  • kolmapäev10–21
  • neljapäev10–21
  • reede10–21
  • laupäev10–21
  • pühapäev10–19
  • esmaspäev10–21
  • teisipäev10–21


  • Kohapeal ostmine
  • Krediitkaardid

Soovitatud Arvustused

Kevin Lepik
Lakrids by Bülow
The service was very polite. But the candies do not justify the high price (depending on flavour around €10 for the smallest can of 125 grams). Lot of flavours available and certainly not bad, but nothing special as well. The liquorice taste is somewhat different though than other liquorice candy, in a blind test I would probably recognise this from the flavour, size and texture. But for that money I feel like there are better confectionery choices to be made.

Lisa Arvustus


Endla 45, 10615 Tallinn
Lakrids by Bülow